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Page 367 Poem One World Language not like Heartstruck Gearstruck Blank Verse Ch.2 Communication the

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A World Wide Language not Like Heartstruck Gearstruck Blank Verse

The Theme of a Worldwide Language Is the theme of the Present Age It is the or a needed Action for Future Present Perfect Age

A World Wide Language of Understanding Leads to H20 Utopia Love Words Pure World a Saint Patrick Action a Daily Love and or a Perfect Nation

Satisfaction As if more than the Word of Love is more than Reaching Out to be Established…

As if it is the or a World Wide Language at a or the Present Average Stage…?

The Mocking Birds outside our bed room window sang in all the local tongues and dialects

Here in the Formative as Productive Understanding Ideas, Thoughts, Common Ground of Understanding Love Always the Necessary Need…

Slowly or Abruptly Put it in…One Place at a time… One Main Language for Understanding Transform Intricacy Edit Remain Remind

One Main Language at the same time Confusion Muse Reform Hold Heaven of a Time

As the Voice of all humankind understands the Newer Language and or World Wide Appeal Remind

A Worldwide guarantee as the voice of the human race comprehends and or Proceeds Satisfaction and or Precedes all together Now Remain Remind

Language as One…One World people blend… As if to Say One Love Emerald Isles IRA Dublin Ireland was a or the Bomb

As if The English Language…Can Lead the Way Friends Extend St. Patties Love St. Bernard’s Adaption

Belfast March on and on…Move on…and expand and improve…World Wide got or gone to the Wind

Poetic Win Poetic pen poetic techniques to announce Not officially or anything like that, this, or it…

But as a voice for all people to have a better understanding of each other British Isles North Sea Winds Belfast and a Mile

No matter where we are at…Mother…Brother…or Another …Win…and to Comprehend

Winning it is a matter of words put together with understanding & positive purpose and or progression

Into a package of verbal sounds and recognition symbols All-Purpose Multipurpose kind of like…Need Civilization Civilize Nature Render Courtsey my Heart is Merry

And A Plethora of Limericks and Plentiful poems for every playful purpose. Hoist a pint, not your petard…Gale…and never jump in the Nile summers gleams glow

Essential Oils, Baritone Bear. Parsley, Sage Rosemary, Hormone Pure Harmony Solution, and Thyme is not a or the Limerick! Of just a Friend

The Poem Capricious, Was Vogler. I once entered a poem capricious and thought I need more privacy to Express more than me or my feelings

She drop her sweet undies with Harmony….with AM and FM Intentions to modulate her Bandwidth Frequency..As if was I suppose to Read her Mind…

To be a Grammatical Admissible Systematic Orderly Syntax Impetus Stimulation Stimulus into Personality Enhancement Mood Vibration Operations The Operator has to Always Love Adaptation and Adapt to Love and or to the Win in Situations and or Quality Love

a World Wide Language with Tactful Humor And or Quality Brit Brite English Comedy and or best Friends I thought we was best friends she was so confusing…..Winter Drift Snow Welcomes The Mocking Bird outside our bed room windows sang in all the local tongues and dialects

As the World Rotates and Spins around and around…One world people on earth… Quality Love needs more than the Sound of Heartstruck

Sound A Plethora of a Limerick is like a Precise Tapping on a Prepositional Educated Grammatical Plethora As…As if

One National Language… No Gimps but more Limps but no Gimmick….Everybody needs more of what Mamma needs…Gearstruck Heartstruck Blank Verse or the or a Perfect Limerick to more than Win

One Wide World Sweet Love Dear Love Service Pamper my Language Leading Language Joystick Bailwick… Pimp my Mantis Colonel Brine My Pistol…

…She and her Over and Out Undies....We was Harmony...

Homesick Icepick Billy Kid Crossover… I am like a Entertainer on the Road….Prime Bluetick Lovestick…Retriever her…Billy’s Drive Bell Stick heal Her…

Quality Production needs Produce and or Produces Understanding and or Appeal Primary think We might Just need to be Married...?

Breadstick Bootlick Irish Whiskey not Jack Daniel's Candlestick Past Time Lasagna Red Red Wine Beaches of North Carolina Brunswick Supply East Coast Doggy tricks Secondary Nature

Law of Attraction World Wide Language…. Chicks & Clicks… Lipstick Country Limerick Downtown Tricks… Dropkick the Fitzpatrick Limerick Talking out and or out of the Side of her Head Snapping Trick and or Tricks… No don’t do it Fitzpatrick Romance Flick and or to pick Lily my County Brim Line of Nature name her and tell me the Movie…Special Magic mmm Handpicked Matchsticks and Love Notes Notebook my Romance Lovesick was a or the Relation and or not Just Past History Joy Knots…Understanding Language How Goes the Bell when the Wind Tolls

Hallelujah Praise the Lord and AAAMEN!!! get Your Church On and or One World Wide Language Joy Notes....Tongues and dialects

Author’s Comments

Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.

~ Harvey Fierstein American Actor, Playwright, and Screenwriter (Born: June 6, 1952)


If you want to go, quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. ~African Proverb


It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils, we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for of what might happen…----Herodotus Greek Historian (485—425 c)


The best way to predict your future is to create it. ~Stephen Corey (Born: 1948) Essayist, Editor, Poet


Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you planet.

--Robert Louis Stevenson (born November 13, 1850---December 3, 1894)


"There is an eloquence in true enthusiasm that is not to be doubted." ~852 Lori Moreno


Simple Affirmation Self-Esteem Declaration Element #7: Gratitude = Happiness, It’s that simple. ~ 852 Lori Moreno


Brilliant Heart Words of Wisdom Element Recipe #5: “A heart is like a red rose. When happy, it sparkles brilliantly." -Claire Charmont Revised Love specialist


One World Language Dream Clarification Point Recipe #13: Happy are those who dream dreams & are ready to pay the price to make them come true. -Leon Suenes


I am interested in direction, depending on your reply it will help…Pause…How Does the Directions go to a Loving Heart…?

~ Subtle Direction Heart Line Tact of Humor


No Matter, how much you know…No Matter, How you Think… No matter, what it maybe… never take my love away… Quality My Love Play on my Thumper like spread peanut butter…

~ Jamie Lynn Spears Quality Value Courtly Grammie Cracker Kindhearted Wealth Character #304 Success & Value Line


George Clinton a Parliament Funkadelic is…is kind of like move something “Erotic City”


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