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Final Biblical Promise Once We understand Each Other & Care with Question in Closing 


He will judge between the nations

and will settle disputes for many peoples.

They will beat their swords into plowshares

and their spears into pruning hooks.

Nation will not take up sword against nation,

nor will they train for war anymore. ~Isaiah 2:4



My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.                  ~ James 1:2-4(NKJV)


Christian Values & Quality Catholic Belief…What is Dharma…Sum it Up is on Pg. 1477-1478 #2 Read Up on Brahma leads to Dhrarma

If you do not cut the noose of your karma while living, what hope is there of liberation when you are dead? To think that union will come after the soul leaves the body is Christian Belief not Ancient Hindu Wisdom...Hindu Kabir say it is a hopeless dream. I say U got to believe in something positive to sustain us. What U think Randy Alcorn Heaven on earth...Heaven in Heaven...Heaven in Between.





"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." ---Henry David Thoreau #20 Pg. 1483




Question–N- Closing 


If today was it, would you die knowing you did your best?


If tomorrow never came, would you be proud of the last thing you said to each person you love?


If "someday" was only "now", would you do everything you've always put off?


If you knew you had a choice about what kind of life you could be living, would you choose different?


If you knew failure is impossible, what would you do?


If it were true that everyone you meet is you in another body, how would you treat them?


If love was the true currency of the Universe and the more you gave away the more you received, how would you spend it?


If fear were the biggest illusion and the greatest lie of all time, how would you choose to live your life?


If the Universe always supported a life lived towards achieving dreams, how big would you dream?


Jesus, purify my heart, purify my mind, purify my body, and purify my soul.


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