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Rhyming Riddles Mind Brain Education Answers 


Chapters Answers: 1 thru 20


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Can you Answer them, their is one at the Beginning of Each Chapter on each Cover Page One.......?


1.)Dew …Pg.292




3.)The Ethical Tactful Art of Motivating Communication…Pg. 396


4.)Enlighten and wise…Pg.435




6.)Metaphysician …Pg.555


7.)It is the combination both that is attractive, Creativity and Pro-action….Pg. 587


8.) Psychological Moment…Pg.632


8. A) Credit…Pg.674


8. B) Ledger…Pg. 690


8.C) Humble Accurate Effective Administration…Pg. 703


8.D) Natural & Simple it sets the pace for profits during present & future…Pg.719


8. E) Needed because it saves time and makes a better future…Pg.742


8. F) It means you have a Gold mind as long as you appraise the market successfully…Pg.753


9.) It is in the questioning of what and how that scientifically can separate Science from Religion…Pg. 762


10.) Work is a form of mental and physical exercise that is extremely health like sex with marriage…Pg. 829


11.)Conservative values have their benefits wrapped in modernism with a open mind to safely positively explore..Pg. 891


12A.) A system of order that has the best answers of leadership to show how to reach full potential…Pg. 955


12B.) Yes, the path of understanding is achieved through commonality likeness attracts each other education and experience is a key to omnipotence…Pg. 980


13.) Fellowship, Companionship, Friendship, and Relationships…Pg. 998;


13.1) Culture…Pg. 998


14.) Peaceful is the most important because of its meaning tranquil…Pg. 1049


15A.)Medical…Pg. 1122;


15B.) Stress from a Lack of Positive Creativity in Civilization & the Best Ideal Sports’ World Beliefs’ with Epigram Virtues… Pg. 1151;


15C.)Yes…Pg. 1177;


15D.) Conscience thought separates animals from human. Pg. 1190;


16A.) The different degrees, approaches of observation and experiments are methodical, organized, well-organized, ordered, orderly, meticulous, rigorous, exact, precise, accurate, mathematical, analytical, and rational…Pg. 1203


16B.1) Stairs…Pg.1220; 16B.2) A Crosswind…Pg.1220; 16B.3) A library because it has the most stories…Pg.1220,


16C.1) Fire…Pg.1231; 16C.2) A doughnut..Pg.1231; 16C.3) A coat of Paint...Pg.1231;


16D)The year 1961. It reads the same upside down. This will not happen again until the year 6009…Pg.1247…


17A.) A Bridge & A bridge of the Nose…Pg.1263..


17B.1) A Yardstick…Pg.1285; 17B.2) The Ocean…Pg.1285; 17B.3) Smiles. (There a mile between the first and last letter…)…Pg.1285;


17C.1) Abdominals and back…Pg.1301; 17C.2) One makes acorns, the other makes corns ache…Pg.1301; 17C.3) An Egg…Pg.1301;


17D.) One Gathers What he ‘sows’, the other ‘sews’ what she gathers…Pg.1316…


18.) There is a need of systematic and factual information for the reasoning logic of truth…Pg.1329


19.) Motive… Pg.1388


20.) Pantyhose…Pg.1426


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