The EIV Recipe Bible Home of Christian Sports Science
Ch.8D Marketing the Virtue of Flexibility (Pgs.719-741)
Page 721
Marketing Definition
Marketing is one of the most important functions in business. It is the discipline required to understand customers’ needs and the benefits desired. Marketing is also considered an act of buying or selling in a market; all of the processes involved in moving goods from the producer to the consumer. Marketing is the activities, as advertising, packaging, and selling, involved in transferring goods from producer to the consumer.
Author’s Comments
Although many people seem to think that marketing and advertising are synonymous they are not. Advertising is simply one of the many processes that together constitute marketing.
~ Constitute Marking Psalm
Genuine security arises from actual, first-hand knowledge that one is
both capable and worthy of achieving happiness (through conscious,
responsible action) and, once having attained it, that he deserves
it . --Michael J. Hurd American Motivational Speaker
Bullet Dodging
Waiting to grant an employee stock option until after bad news
involving the company is made public. Because the strike price on an
option is linked to the date on which the option was issued, waiting
until after bad news sends a stock price lower and allows the
employee to obtain shares at a lower strike price.
“All we have to decide is what is best to do with the time that is given to us.”
~ Positive Progression Positive Action Positive Attitude Psalm
My Youthful Aging Seafood 5 and 5 Chinese Entree:Five-Spice Scallops: You could also serve the scallops over Asian salad greens dressed with sesame oil and rice vinegar for a simple dinner.
Quality Language Tactful Humor Kindness Psalm: "One kind word can warm three winter months." ~ Japanese proverb
Fresh Morning: Arise with a Smile Sleep Good at Night Pink Positive Cake Nation 365 & Pink Positive Cake Nation 360 Om with Harmony Fresh Longevity Positive Living: "Golden slumbers kiss your eyes, smiles awake you when you rise." ~ Thomas Dekker
Can you reach that for me…? if you would help me…I want Tata Tell… What’s the meaning of your name…? What’s your Favorite Cause, Care, and or Aim….? Love is dynamite, love is a time bomb ticking. Love can blow your mind if you let your heart go with it.
~ Physical Attraction Dances Line Public and or Social Setting Laws of Attraction Are What type of Care…?
Positive Quality Love Romance Lightness of being is a or the best way to be creative and also to help others…with winning titles and ownership challenges that lead conversation…
~ Deepak Chopra Water Proton 394 Sub Automatic Charge Line
Listen to Instrumental Music “Mo’ Green Onions” by Booker T & The MG’s
Page 722
Marketing Strategic Plan (MSP)
Competitive Advantage and the works of Phillip Kotler,
Concepts of Marketing plans: Generic’ Strategies & Strategies for Pricing,
Distribution, Promotion, Advertising and Market Segmentation,
Factors such as Market Penetration, Market Share, Profit Margins, Budgets,
Financial Analysis, Capital Investment, Government Actions…..
Demographic Changes, Emerging Technology and Cultural Trends
Author’s Comments
Marketing plan conclusion after defining. Your strategy you must use the information you have gathered to determine whether the strategy will achieve the objective of making your service, franchise, or enterprise competitive in the chosen marketplace. ~ CEO Carlos B. Toomer Impetus Services
“He who has a thing to sell and goes and whispers in a well is not so apt to get the dollars as he who climbs a tree and hollers.” – author unknown
“I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information.” – David Ogilvy
“Advertising is the ‘wonder’ in Wonder Bread.” – Jef I. Richards (1995), advertising professor, The University of Texas at Austin.
“Advertising is selling Twinkies to adults.” – Donald R. Vance
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great. -- Mark Twain #25 Pg.1484
“The power of imagination makes us infinite.” –John Muir
Yours should and or could be a Never Ending Success with positive action and positive attitude in Civilization. -Kim Cooney Revised
My Holistic Youthful Aging Chinese Dinner or Lunch:Five-Spice Turkey & Lettuce Wraps: Based on a popular Chinese dish, these fun wraps also make appealing appetizers for entertaining. Serve with chile-garlic sauce and rice vinegar for extra zip; toss diced mango and strawberries with lime juice for a quick dessert.
So is Sex only The French International Language Comedy Romantic Humor Laughter Checkpoint: The secret of happiness is to find a congenial monotony. - V. S. Pritchett
Secret to Success Words of Water Wisdom: "The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one."-- Mark Twain Pg. 1484 #25
Hey, Babe you can call me yoggie Bear chasing your inspiration naturally gratitude where it begins and ends. Everything is a Miracle Three Rules to Life: Grace, Respect, and Good Foundation is the or a Course that leads to Miracles…
~ Marketing Strategy a Course in Miracles there are two ways to Live your Life
Love with every atom of your being to catch and keep quality wisdom attention, a true sweet Honest Love....all Struggle ends where Gratitude begins… ~ Love Romance Love Life Lessons Everything that comes from Love is a Miracle Line for whom…?
Listen to music selection by Dion “Dream Lover”
Page 723
Marketing Strategy (MSP)
How your service, franchise, or enterprise will address
The competitive marketplace
How you will implement and support
Your day to day operations
It is the process that can allow an organization
to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities
to increase sales and achieve
a sustainable competitive advantage.
If market is attractive your franchise one of the strongest invest your best resources
If market attractive but your enterprise one of the weaker concentrate strengthening
If market is not attractive & your service is one of the best it can generate term profits
If market not attractive enterprise weaker support more profitable part of business
Marketing Strategy most effective when integral component of corporate strategy
It defines how the organization will successfully engage
customers, prospects, & competitors in the market arena
It partially derived from broader
Corporate strategies, corporate missions, & corporate goals
As the customer constitutes the source of a company’s revenue,
Marketing strategy is closely linked with sales.
A key component of marketing strategy is often
To keep marketing in line with a company’s
overarching mission statement
Author’s Comments
Business has only two functions-marketing and innovation.
- Milan Kundera Czech Novelist, Playwright and Poet (b.1929- )
Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.
-Leo Burnett Pioneer American Advertising Executive, (1891-1971)
I notice increasing reluctance on the part of marketing executive to use judgment; they are coming to rely too much on research, and they use it as a drunkard uses a lamp post for support, rather than for illumination. - David Ogilvy Scottish born British Military Intelligence Officer & later top advertising executive (1911-1999)
The Abundant life is achieved and developed from within and is rooted in strong mental , moral, and humorous fiber.~ Jamie Foxx Comedian, Musician, & Actor 377 Bio is at the Compassion Character Segment 377 Spot
Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length. ~ Robert Frost
Dolly-ism Poem Inside a Poem: “You better stop whinin’, pinin’. Get your dreams in line and then just shine, design, refine ‘til they come true. And you better get to livin’. – Dolly #22 Pg.25
My Oh Uh Thump of a Hump Chinese Dinner Entree: Grilled Sea Scallops with Cilantro & Black Bean Sauce: Here, Chinese fermented black beans are stir-fried with garlic and ginger, flavor-enhanced with Chinese or Japanese rice wine, and blended into a delicate puree that makes a delicious dip to complement all sorts of grilled seafood, including plump sea scallops. Sweet mirin counterbalances the saltiness of the beans.
I got a marketing strategy, call my hands Core Cider Option Watch cup of hold to and or held to listen good. You tell me… ~ Big Uhhgggs Dees Hands Don't mind Line
Sugar Sugar Sweet who cares, if the Candy man can or can’t, when the cupcakes are sweet and tasty for the sweet spot of any season the candy man is ready. Light doesn't have to struggle with darkness to over come it; it has only to shine. ~ Sugar Sweet MAC World Day of Prayer Line 4 Who…?
Listen to music selection by Nat King Cole “L-O-V-E
Page 724
After Market Strategy Cost to Enter Market (MSP)
Your marketing strength.
Access to low cost materials and effective production.
The experience of your enterprise.
The complexity of introduction problems such as lack of adherence to industry standards, unavailability of materials, poor quality control, regulatory problems and the inability to explain the benefits of the offering to the prospect.
The effectiveness of the enterprise infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities.
Distribution effectiveness as measured by history of relations, the extent of channel utilization, financial stability, reputation, access to prospects and familiarity with your offering.
Technological efforts likely to be successful as measured by the strength of the development organization.
The availability of adequate operating capital
Author’s Comments
If you want success, then don’t rely on other people to do what you can do!
-- Sasha Azevedo American Actress Athlete and Model
It is all about marketing; that is where the real craft comes in. The best actors do not necessarily become the biggest stars. And vice versa. –Dirk Benedict
The mathematical rules of the universe are visible … in the form of beauty.” —John Michel
“True commitment begins when we reach the point of not knowing how we can possibly go on, and decide to do it anyway. However, during the process through trial and error find the best way. Group projects never fail for a society with time. We are as smart as our smartest one and as strong as our strongest one but together with can achieve true quality omnipotence.
–Carlos Toomer (Born July 9, 1972-- )
The Challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble; but not timid; be proud but not arrogant; have humor; without folly .
--Jim Rohn lovelove Sports Compassion lovelovelove Pg.1492 #58
Hot & Sour Carrots with Fish & Rice: Hot-and-sour sauce on Fish, brown rice, & quick steamed sautéed carrots is not for the timid palate it has abundance of bold, Spicy Flavor always eat as good as you can to out Live the Laws of Moses…
Love Quality Water Words of Wisdom: When love exists, nothing else matters, not life’s predicaments, not the fury of the years, not a physical winding down or scarcity of opportunity.”- Isabel Allende
Hey, Pooh, I’ll be your honey. If you will be my Pooh. Real friendship is a Precious Gift.
~ Tigger just ain’t Expectation Yardstick
Hey, Tatar Salad anytime you want to ball and bail out we can keep a parachute and oxygen mask close by for you...Steward well the treasure within! A Good Life is when you assume nothing, do more, need less, smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realize --- How Blessed you are! Remember, there's always something to be thankful for.
~ Country Education is Country Education Subtle Quality Humor Romantic Comedy Line for whom?
Listen to music selection by American Idol (4-10-2008) “Shout to the Lord”
Page 725
Generic Strategies of Marketing Plan (MSP)
Can be Cost Leadership Strategy, Differentiation Strategy, Focus Strategy
1.) The first is based on the concept that you can produce and market a good quality product or service at a lower cost than your competitors. Low costs should translate to profit margins that are higher than the industry average. Operating capital, good process engineering skills, close management or labor, products designed for ease are some of the conditions that should exist to support a Cost Leadership Strategy with on-going availability.
2.) Unique creation of product throughout the industry is a Differentiation Strategy. Certain conditions should support differentiation Strategy like…
Strong marketing abilities, effective product engineering, creative personnel,
the ability to perform basic research and a good reputation…
3.) A Focus Strategy may be the most sophisticated of the generic strategies.
It is more intense. It is designed to address a focused segment of the marketplace.
It is based on the concept of serving a particular target in such a n exceptional manner.
Usually this means addressing a substantially smaller market profit margins can be High.
Author’s Comments
Authentic marketing is not the art of selling what you make but knowing what you make. It is the art of identifying and understanding customer’s needs and creating customers, profits to the producers and benefits for the stockholders. -Philip Kotler
Customers buy for their reasons, not yours.- Orvel Ray Wilson
You must have mind share before you can have market share.- Christopher M. Knight
Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness. -James Thurber
“Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace.”
#41 Mother Teresa Pg.1487
Experience is Experience What you like to Portion Out Depends on your Congenial Pit Manager Habits Funny or not Oh my my Humor Fact Mind Share Market Share: Leave it to heaven and to those en-route to bosom lodge Sting or Prick "Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although eating honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called. -- A.A. Milne Love is emotion that moves between two poles: on one side, pure delight. On the other, pure benevolence.
Humor Brest Cancer Awareness Monthly or Month Check Mate Point: Support the Cure like that has always been a priority...The cure and or prevention to any ailment is nourishment…My friends are bowling for boobs tonight in Atlanta, October on Strike with Next Level Whole Foods! I could be One of the Few Females who has more protection then Car Air Bags and Bumpers. You have to be fast on your feet and adaptive or else a strategy is useless…If ever male or man is the same, dogs should not ever piss on a Rose Bush….If you marry wise judgement you make good proverb awareness checkmate psalms…. #22 Dolly Parton
Clarification Health Point: Eating a Mediterranean-style diet appears to help lower the risk of depression by about 30 percent, thanks to a high concentration of good-for-you-fats and B vitamins. Olives are a main source with fresh fish.
Can you suggest more than something like“Applesauce Politics” that make opportunities into Loop Holes. Life is about accountability, responsibility, and weekend fun Monday thru Sunday always on the best of Days also and even in my Sleep and or in my Dreams.… ~ Subtle Nature Call Line Daily Improvement Lifestyle Life Long Grace Life Long Civil
Inspiration is a miracle wrapped up or served and served with magic. Don’t find fault. Find a Remedy. Resolution just ain’t Solution. ~ Line 4 Who?
Laura Story ~ Mighty to Save
Page 726
Pricing Strategy after Selecting Generic Strategy (MSP)
If your offering has enough differentiation to justify a high price and you desire quick cash and have minimal desires for significant market penetration and control, then you set your prices very high.
If near term income is not so critical and rapid market penetration for eventual market control is desired, then you set your prices very low.
If you are not the market leader in your industry then the leaders will most likely have created a ‘price expectation’ in the minds of the marketplace. In this case you can price your offering comparably to those of your competitors.
Author’s Comments
After defining the overall offering objective and selecting a generic strategy you must then decide on a variety of closely operational strategies which are listed above for a… Strategic Marketing Plan.
Everybody is winner not a loser it is the quitting that produces not winning but lost.
-Kyler England
God could not be everywhere, so he created Mothers. ~ Jewish Proverb
Thoughts lead on to purposes; purposes go forth in action; actions form habits; habits decide character; and character fixes our destiny.” – Tryon Edwards
The Greatest Truth for Civilization Poem Inside of a Poem: The greatest thing you’ll ever L E A R N, is just to LOVE… & be loved in return” ~ Moulin Rouge
Humor Education Quality Improvement Brooke Shields Courtly Compassion Slot 406#, during an interview to become spokesperson for a federal anti-smoking campaign She Stated: Smoking kills. If you’re killed, you’ve lost a very important part of your life.
Enlightenment Understanding Quality Value Civilization Consistent Improvement Mind Body Spirit Water Exercise Needs Need Needs Perk: A Quotation from The Experts “Taxes are our way of feeding the goose that lays the golden eggs of freedom, democracy and enterprise. Someone says, ‘Well, the goose eats too much.’ That’s probably true. But better a fat goose than no goose at all! --445 Jim Rohn (September 17, 1930 – December 5, 2009) was an American Entrepreneur, Author and Motivational Speaker has been moved to Pg. 1492 #58
Don’t get caught up in the mad rush of life. Something that they call the rat race…Live for those who love me, and those who know me true….If, I am the last thing on your mind maybe, I will be the first thing on your mind in the morning…and or when testing temptation the Crown of Life….
~ Water Balance is Plus Romantic Prelude Line Love God and His Promises
Light me up with your electric love magic impulse touch be my fashion style icon in season year round, a revolving day by day romantic bliss…Hopeless Romantic maybe need me Chocolate…
~ WaterLine 4 Who 833 Danielle Peck or and Whoelse…..?
Alice in Chains ~ Man in the Box
Page 727
The Promotion’s of Strategic Marketing Plan (MSP)
The PUSH STRATEGY maximizes the use of all available channels of distribution to “push” the offering into the marketplace. This usually requires generous discounts to achieve the objective of giving the channels incentive to promote the offering, thus minimizing your need for advertising.
· The PULL STRATEGY requires direct interface with the end user of the offering. Use of channels of distribution is minimized during the first stages of promotion and a major commitment to advertising is required. The objective is to “pull” the prospects into the various channel outlets creating a demand the channels cannot ignore
Author’s Comments
Currency trading: The act of buying and selling world currencies. Currency trading is most often engaged in by banks and other institutions, for the purposes of international trade. Individual investors may engage in currency trading as well, attempting to benefit from variations in the exchange rates of the currencies.
If, every call to Christ and His righteousness is a call to suffering, the converse is equally – every call to suffering is a call to Christ, a promotion, an invitation to come up higher.
-Charles Bent American Politician(1799-1847)
- &-
Older and wiser voices can always help you find that right path, if you are only willing to listen. ~ Jimmy Buffet #52
Sarah Hart Courtly 607 Heat Magic Rhythm Number Comedy Tactful Humor Checkpoint: Whiskey makes my baby feel a lil frisky...Rain makes Corn...Corn makes whisky... -AND-
Smart Hard Work Water Motto to Live by: Work hard and be nice to people and always have fun.
Romantic Love Spark Inspiration Encouragement Motivational Stimulus Quality Love Points: To love quality improvement is to live one of the sweetest caring and compassionate inspiring motivating qualities in life with tactful communication of positive encouragement.
If your beauty was compared to Prize Fighting or Boxing, nothing wrong with the box, but, you're the Tic Toc. You’re the KO, Knock Out Single. You the real nice. You look real good. You don’t have to sell when the product is real good or better than fine tune.
~ Subtle Combination Excitement Line Grin, Smile or Laugh
I can be like your waterwheel, turning and announcing 20 Lessons to Living good as you, as long as you "and" -or- water moves and or sweat evaporates any type good directions Big Change Strive Challenge God has big Plans for you…
~ Rumi Water Passion Heat Line Top of or Bottom of Foundation Always Follow Jesus
Listen to the Christian Sherry Morris “What a Wonderful World"
Page 728
Many Strategy Offerings for Advertising Promotions (MSP)
• Product Comparison advertising
In a market where you’re offering is one of several providing similar capabilities, if you’re offering stacks up well when comparing features then a product comparison ad can be beneficial.
• Product Benefits advertising
When you want to promote your offering without comparison to competitors, the product benefits ad is the correct approach. This is especially beneficial when you have introduced a new approach to solving a user need and comparison to the old approaches is inappropriate.
• Product Family advertising
If you’re offering is part of a group or family of offerings that can be of benefit to the customer as a set, then the product family ad can be of benefit.
• Corporate advertising
When you have a variety of offerings and your audience is fairly broad; it is often beneficial to promote your enterprise identity rather than a specific offering.
Author’s Comments
You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements. - NORMAN DOUGLAS, South Wind &
Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising. –MARK TWAIN, A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court #25 Pg.1484
Much brass has been sounded and many cymbals tinkled in the name of advertising; but the advertisements which persuade people to act are written by men who have an abiding respect for the intelligence of their readers, and a deep sincerity regarding the merits of the goods they have to sell.- BRUCE FAIRCHILD BARTON,The Man Nobody Knows
Advertising is the rattling of a stick inside a swill-bucket.
– GEORGE ORWELL, Keep the Aspidistra Flying
Advertising is the greatest art form of the twentieth century.
–MARSHALL MCLUHAN, Advertising Age, Sept. 3, 1976
Impetus Civilization Positive Society Artistic Inspiration Psalm Art Encouragement Proverb Artist Aphorism: Art is not what you see, but what you make others see...
Comedy Tactful Humor Quality Improvement Checkpoint: How did this one butcher introduce his wife? He Said "Meet Patty."
I got needs and I got needs that need to be everlasting both ways way beyond B-6 shots dropped off…and Spring, give me what I love to Receive…a B1 is not a B12…Etc…
~ 257 Sarah Palin Water Needs Line Do you think So #257 C I do my my own Alaska Type of Hunting & Fishing & Wild Life Be One Away from Politics Sometimes She’s away from Politics Sometimes
Show me the world of Quality Passionate love in anything and everything best shape strategy foundation style formation, as I love to see and or need to see...
~ Love Loves Love Style Line for whom….?
Listen to music selection by Christ Tomlin “I will Rise” Contemporary Christian Pop
Page 729
Distribution Method offering for the Customer (MSP)
• On-premise Sales involves the sale of your offering using a field sales organization that visits the prospect’s facilities to make the sale.
• Direct Sales involves the sale of your offering using a direct, in-house sales organization that does all selling through the Internet, telephone or mail order contact.
• Wholesale Sales involves the sale of your offering using intermediaries or “middle-men” to distribute your product or service to the retailers.
• Self-service Retail Sales involves the sale of your offering using self service retail methods of distribution.
• Full-service Retail Sales involves the sale of your offering through a full service retail distribution channel.
Authors Comments
Key factors in the industry and marketplace should initially be analyzed initially to create the strategy that is needed to regularly monitor for change.
Good friends are good for your health… - Irwin Sarason
Security: An investment instrument, other than an insurance policy or fixed annuity, issued by a corporation, government, or other organization which offers evidence of debt or equity. The official definition, from the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, is: “Any note, stock, treasury stock, bond, debenture, certificate of interest or participation in any profit-sharing agreement or in any oil, gas, or other mineral royalty or lease, any collateral trust certificate, pre-organization certificate or subscription, transferable share, investment contract, voting-trust certificate, certificate of deposit, for a security, any put, call, straddle, option, or privilege on any security, certificate of deposit, or group or index of securities (including any interest therein or based on the value into on a national securities exchange relating to foreign currency, or in general, any instrument commonly known as a ‘security’; or any certificate of interest or participation in, temporary or interim certificate for, receipt for, or warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing; but shall not include currency or any note, draft, bill of exchange, or banker’s acceptance which has a maturity at the time of issuance of not exceeding nine months, exclusive of days of grace, or any renewal thereof the maturity of which is likewise limited.” Property which is pledged as collateral for a loan.
Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way be positive.
~ Quality Positive Success Aphorism
Youthful Aging with a Healthy Chinese Dessert: Iced Lychees: In China, the creamy lychee fruit is considered good luck. Freezing turns them into a sorbet-like treat.
Tactful Humor Hugh Hefner #964 Comedy Breakpoint: "FRIENDS are like a good bra, supportive, hard to find... & always close to your H E A R T, always be friendly. Laughter and love more than a chest game full of monument admirable passion...
I lost my phone number. Got needs of compassion, if you help me remember mine we could trade phone numbers…Live a Attitude of Gratitude…
~ Phone Number Line who to Call
A Life full of deep kisses, romantic adventures, and midnight swims expect the best plan for the worst makes for quality passion, a desirable pleasure to inspire friendship love...
~ Epigram Impetus Love Line 4 Who?
Rissi Palmer ~ Country Girl
Page 730
Environmental Factors (MSP)
• Government actions – Government actions (current or under consideration) can support or detract from your strategy. Consider subsidies, safety, efficacy and operational regulations, licensing requirements, materials access restrictions and price controls.
• Demographic changes – Anticipated demographic changes may support or negatively impact the growth potential of your industry and market. This includes factors such as education, age, income and geographic location.
• Emerging technology – Technological changes that are occurring may or may not favor the actions of your enterprise.
• Cultural trends – Cultural changes such as fashion trends and life style trends may or may not support your offering’s penetration of the mark
Author’s Comments
The growth potential your product or service depends upon the positive or negative impact of the environmental factors going into the industry and market.
Why should I? When somebody insulted Caruso, did he sing an aria for them? Explaining why he did not hit a motorist after the latter abused him following an accident. - Joe Louis (born 1914-1981) American Heavyweight Boxer
Certified Financial Planner: A title conveyed by the International Board of Standards and Practices for Certified Financial Planners. A Certified Financial Planner must pass a series of exams and enroll in ongoing education classes. Knowledge of estate planning, tax preparation, insurance, and investing is required.
My Anti-Aging Doc Protein Health Tips: Live Longer with these proteins... Chicken, Turkey, & Fish... Which do you have on the menu -- chicken, beef, pork, or fish? Your answer just might affect your life span. Your best bet: Choose two legs -- or a couple of flippers -- over four. In a recent study, people who ate the most red (beef, pork) or processed (hot dogs, bacon) meats had the highest risk of dying during the 10-year study. Pick a Protein of Impetus Quality like turkey, fish, and chicken or in fact, research shows that vegetarians fare best when it comes to heart disease mortality and living longer. Substitution Situations: A shorter life is a big price to pay for indulging in cheeseburgers and BLTs. So stuff those tacos with ground turkey, and order the veggie pizza next time you're short on time (hold off on and say no to pepperoni & Say goodbye to beef burritos
Shakespearean Pure Love Real Life True Positive Fairytales: There's nothing like a dream that creates a better future for yourself or others or all.
Money Epigram Possible Truth Just Depends: God makes; and apparel shapes: but it's money that finishes the Man. -Dr. Thomas Fuller Gnomologia, 1680
Are you anything like top notch computer ready all story compatible with these and those who are missed and or mutually exclusive…. ~ Compatible Law of Attraction Line
Where so ever you go, go with a loving heart...
~ Confucius Love Line 4 Who?
Listen to music selection by Bobby Mc Ferrin “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”
Page 731
The Prospects Factors (MSP)
• The potential for market penetration involves whether you are selling to past customers or a new prospect, how aware the prospects are of what you are offering, competition, growth rate of the industry and demographics.
• The prospect’s willingness to pay higher price because you’re offering provides a better solution to their problem.
• The amount of time it will take the prospect to make a purchase decision is affected by the prospects confidence in your offering, the number and quality of competitive offerings, the number of people involved in the decision, the urgency of the need for your offering and the risk involved in making the purchase decision.
7 The prospect’s willingness to pay for product value is determined by their knowledge of competitive pricing, their ability to pay and their need for characteristics such as quality, durability, reliability, ease of use, uniformity and dependability.
• Likelihood of adoption by the prospect is based on the criticality of the prospect’s need, their attitude about change, the significance of the benefits, barriers that exist to incorporating the offering into daily usage and the credibility of the offering
Author’s Comments
Defining the prospect characteristics is essential to understanding the market segments.
“The divine is not something high above us. It is in heaven, it is in earth, it is inside us…”
--Morihei Ueshiba
Liquidity Ratio: Total dollar value of cash and marketable securities divided by current liabilities. For a bank this is the cash held by the bank as a proportion of deposits in the bank. The liquidityratio measures the extent to which a corporation or other entity can quickly liquidateassets and covershort-termliabilities, and therefore is of interest to short-term creditors. Also called cash asset ratio or cash ratio.
Tactful Humor Comedy Quality Improvement Checkpoint: The 2010 oil slick in the Gulf has gotten so big and out of control that locals have named it "Washington."
Love Always Tactful Humor Words of Water Wisdom: Whether life is worth living depends on whether there is love in life.-- R. D. Laing 1927-1989, British Psychiatrist...
That is Big Dog. What breed is he… ~ Girls Being Humorous line
You are special. A blessing. A miracle. There is no other person like you in the world. You have the capacity for greatness, let your light shine. Turn your cant’s into cans and your dreams into plans…. ~ Water Pull Shine Light Line 4 Who?
Run DMC ~ Walk this Way
Page 732
Establishment of Product or Service (MSP)
Whether some or all of the technology for the offering is proprietary to the enterprise.
The benefits the prospect will derive from use of the offering.
The extent to which the offering is differentiated from the competition.
The extent to which common introduction problems can be avoided such as lack of adherence to industry standards, unavailability of materials, poor quality control, regulatory problems and the inability to explain the benefits of the offering to the prospect.
The potential for product obsolescence as affected by the enterprise’s commitment to product development, the product’s proximity to physical limits, the ongoing potential for product improvements, the ability of the enterprise to react to technological change and the likelihood of substitute solutions to the prospect’s needs.
Impact on customer’s business as measured by costs of trying out your offering, how quickly the customer can realize a return from their investment in your offering, how disruptive the introduction of your offering is to the customer’s operations and the costs to switch to your offering.
The complexity of your offering as measured by the existence of standard interfaces, difficulty of installation, number of options, requirement for support devices, training and technical support and the requirement for complementary product interface.
Authors Comments
Being thoroughly familiar with the factors that establish products or services as strong contenders in the marketplace is extremely smart.
Dow Jones Industrial Average
DJIA. The most widely used indicator of the overall condition of the stock market, a price-weighted average of 30 actively traded blue chipstocks, primarily industrials. The 30 stocks are chosen by the editors of the Wall StreetJournal (which is published by Dow Jones & Company), a practice that dates back to the beginning of the century. The Dow was officially started by Charles Dow in 1896, at which time it consisted of only 11 stocks. The Dow is computed using a price-weighted indexing system, rather than the more common market cap-weighted indexing system. Simply put, the editors at WSJ add up the prices of all the stocks and then divide by the number of stocks in the index. (In actuality, the divisor is much higher today in order to account for stock splits that have occurred in the past.)
Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint. –Daniel Webster
You make the world a better place by making yourself a better person. – Scott Sorrell
Humor Laughter Free Style Poem Inside of a Poem “ I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person. ”--Audrey Hepburn #52 Pg.1489 (This Quote is on Page 632)
Female Devotional Jenny Sanford 657 Hell of a Time Magic Marriage Steam Off#/Lauren Ashley Barlow 661 Courtly C/Natalie Barlow 664 C Courtly/Alyssa Barlow Courtly C 662/Rebecca Barlow C Bio Courtly 663 too:
Constant as the sands of time, falling grain by grain
Higher than the skies above, that brings the springtime rain
Countless as the twinkling stars, scattered across the night
Hotter than the searing sun which burns by day so bright
Tender as a lover's touch My love for you and Flight like Crane Crain Crane Crayne Rain Gain
My dad said, I would meet a great girl someday? You want to come back to my house and watch sports center and sing lessons we can learn in 30 years…? You Interested in Seven natural habits of leaders in fun rather fun in fun Gin Rummy Play…?
~ Sports Playful line if there is attraction to sports center
If, I lean into your lips with the right amount of friction would they open up and nibble back. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.
~ Subtle Country Body of Christ Saviour Line 4 Who?
Listen to music selection Disney Rock A Doodle “Kiss -N-Coo”
Page 733
Competition (MSP)
It is essential to know who the competition is
And to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
Each of your competitor’s experience, staying power,
Market position, strength, predictability and freedom to abandon
The market must be evaluated.
Author’s Competition
The ability to learn faster than your competitors’ maybe only sustainable competitive advantage.
- Arie de Geus
Live darling, boldly, fearlessly. Taste the relish to be found in competition—in having put forth the best within you. - Henry J. Kaiser
All of human powers operating on the affairs of mankind, none is greater than that of competition.
- Henry Clay
“Under promise; Over perform.”- Tom Peters
Money may be the husk of many things but not the kernel. It brings you food, but not appetite; medicine, but not health; acquaintance, but not friends; servants, but not loyalty; days of joy, but not peace or happiness. This is what money does by itself without good or great principles.
– Henrik Ibsen Revised
My Anti-Aging Doc Water Health Tip #4: Your outer & inner BODY & mind is a temple, you should treat it as one to improve quality in life and society." You are what you eat. - Astrid Alauda Revised
Tactful Humor Romantic Comedy #9: You know, that look women get when they want sex…? Me neither! better to tell than to guess what they need... ~ 171 Drew Carey Revised
Female Devotional Testify to the 365 Devotional #16: "Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ought to be." -- Clementine Paddleford
You have a gorgeous smile…Do you need a exercise partner...?
~ Positive Thoughts Positive Feelings Positive Action Line always Leads to Success Even Heaven and or Marriage of a Heaven Line
I try my best to personify excellent nature with attributes that Sing. Keep on Smiling. Life is Beautiful. There is so much to Smile About. ~ Line 4 Who?
Listen to music selection by Robyn “Show Me Love”
Page 734
Your Enterprise, Franchise or Service (MSP)
Enterprise capacity to be leader in low-cost production considering cost control infrastructure, cost of materials, economies of scale, management skills, availability of personnel and compatibility of manufacturing resources with offering requirements.
The enterprise’s ability to construct entry barriers to competition such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale, exclusive access to or clogging of distribution channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offering from the competition.
The enterprise’s ability to sustain its market position is determined by the potential for competitive imitation, resistance to inflation, ability to maintain high prices, the potential for product obsolescence and the ‘learning curve’ faced by the prospect.
The prominence of the enterprise.
The competence of the management team.
The adequacy of the enterprise’s infrastructure in terms of organization, recruiting capabilities, employee benefit programs, customer support facilities and logistical capabilities.
The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without undue influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, creditors, investors and other outside influences.
Freedom from having to deal with legal problems.
Author’s Comments
An honest appraisal of the strength of your enterprise, franchise, or service is a critical factor in the development of your strategy these are the factors to consider.
When one cannot appraise out of one’s own experience, the temptation to blunder is minimized, but even when one can, appraisal seems chiefly useful as appraisal of the appraiser.
--- Marianne Moore
Many wealthy people are little more than janitors of their possessions. – Frank Lloyd Wright
Be Proactive.
2. Begin with the end in mind.
3. Put first things first.
4. Think win win.
5. Seek first to understand . . . then to be understood.
6. Synergize.
7. Sharpen the saw be tough be positive.”--- Stephen R. Covey Revised
Celibacy Humor Application is Virtue with Daily Epigram Impetus Improvement Virtue: Is a liberated woman one who has had sex before marriage and a job after…? -Gloria Steinem Revised Gloria M. Steinem (born March 25, 1934) is an American feminist, journalist, and social and political activist who became nationally recognized as a leader of, and media spokeswoman for, the women's liberation movement in the late 1960s and 1970s. A prominent writer and political figure, Steinem has founded many organizations and projects and has been the recipient of many awards and honors. She was a columnist for New York magazine and co-founded Ms. magazine. In 1969, she published an article, "After Black Power, Women's Liberation" which, along with her early support of abortion rights, catapulted her to national fame as a feminist leader. In 2005, Steinem worked alongside Jane Fonda and Robin Morgan to co-found the Women's Media Center, an organization that works to amplify the voices of women in the media through advocacy, media and leadership training, and the creation of original content. Steinem currently serves on the board of the organization. She continues to involve herself in politics and media affairs as a commentator, writer, lecturer, and organizer, campaigning for candidates and reforms and publishing books and articles.
Biblical Epigram Impetus Love Points: But if we look forward to something we don’t yet have, we must wait patiently and confidently and with positive action and peaceful loving attitude.
~ Romans 8:24 EIV Bible
We are going to know each other eventually…better now than later…I am slow like tap water “Never take advantage of someone who likes you” luke warm farm cool “Never say you're busy to someone who needs you.” be peace and well trained “Never Cheat on the One who has trust in you.” just depends on the conversation… Never forget Those who always remember you.
~ Water Confidence Enterprise Franchise Service line
If you love someone more than anything, then distance only matters to the mind, not to the heart.
~ Water Love Pull Line 4 Who?
Sixpence None The Richer ~ There She Goes
Page 735
Factors to Explore on Development Strategy Program (MSP)
The strength of the development manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and the equipment and tools used by the development personnel.
Personnel who understand the relevant technologies and are able to perform the tasks necessary to meet the development objectives.
Adequacy and appropriateness of the development tools and equipment.
The necessary funding to achieve the development objectives.
Design specifications that are manageable.
Author’s Comments
“I believe that the very purpose of life is to be happy. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. In my own limited experience. I have found that more we care for the happiness of others; the greater is our own sense of well-being. Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life. Since we are not solely material creatures, it is a mistake to place all our hopes for happiness on external development alone. The key is to develop inner peace.
~ Dalai Lama 1989 Nobel Peace Prize Winner (B.1935-- ) #843
The happiest people are those who think the most interesting thoughts. Those who decide to use leisure as a means of mental development, who love good music, good books, good pictures, good company, good conversation, are the happiest people in the world. And they are not only happy in themselves; they are the cause of happiness to others.
-William Lyon Phelps American Educator, Journalist and Professor (1865—1943)
To be thrown upon one’s own resources, is to be cast into the very lap of fortune, for our faculties then undergo a development and display an energy of which they were previously unsusceptible.
-Benjamin Franklin (American Statesman, Scientist, Philosopher, Printer, Writer & Inventor) 1706-1790 Bio #9 Info. On Pg.1480 #9
We should be great each of us radiant full of music and full of stories full of positive purpose.
-Monica Shannon Revised
Fun Motivational Business or Humor Fact: ☮Any excuse will serve a tyrant… ~ Aesop
Yearbook Quote Tactful Humor Quality Improvement Checkpoint: I won't say ours was a tough school, but we had our own corner. We used to write essays like 'What I'm going to be if I grow up. - Lenny Bruce
Quality is Quality Friendship Psalm British Quote: True happiness consists not in the multitude of friends, but in the worth and choice. - Ben Jonson
If you can tie a knot in a Cherry with your tongue, does it mean you’re a Good Kisser or a potential different day different boot…tango networker honeymoon Cilantro slow cooker jump starter….?
~ Good Kisser or Potential Good Kisser Line
Census says reproduction is more of instinct than procreation, a primal finish draw ceremony Crescent Moon Night; so beautiful. ~ Humor Love Line 4 Who…?
M “Pop Muzik 1979” The C.D. is Just Can’t Get Enough
I Swear this Song was a Showcase of all that was to come the year after 1979 ...Welcome to the 80's my Friends Pop Music.
Page 736
Organization Production Output Cost Efficiency Factors to Consider (MSP)
The strength of production manager including experience with personnel management, current and new technologies, complex projects and the equipment and tools used by the manufacturing personnel.
Economies of scale allowing the sharing of operations, sharing of production and the potential for vertical integration.
Technology and production experience
The necessary production personnel skill level and/or the enterprise’s ability to hire or train qualified personnel.
The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power.
The ability of the enterprise to control the quality of raw materials and production.
Adequate access to raw materials and sub-assembly production.
Author’s Comments
Jan 14 2008Sir Ken Robinson: Kids will take a chance. If they don’t know, they will have a goal…they are not frightened of being wrong. I don’t mean to say that being wrong is being creative. But what we do know is that if you are not prepared to be wrong, you will never come up with anything original. By the time we get to be adults, most kids have lost that capacity. They have become frightened of being wrong. And we run our companies like this by the way. We stigmatize mistakes. And now we’re running national education systems where mistakes are the worst thing you can make. And the result is we are educating people out of their creative capacities. Picasso once said this. He said, ‘All children are artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up.’ Sir Ken Robinson
Jan 16 2008Victor Fung: If you think about the WTO and the way we measure trade flows around the world, it assumes a very simple model, in which a product is made in Country A and it is shipped to Country B to be consumed. That is the fundamental assumption of the model. The question is where does the substantive transformation that creates the product take place…because that is where all of the value-added is. But if you look at the model of dispersed manufacturing, the same product actually can be made in several countries before it becomes a finished product. And, if you say the substantive transformation then occurs in the final stage of finishing and basically that becomes the country of origin — that last country, so to speak, gets charged for the full trade statistics, whereas it may capture only a portion of the total value added, it may only capture say 30% of the value added. And so the problem with traditional trade statistics is that you are using a system to describe a world that has already evolved and no longer fits the model. Therefore, you get all of these distortions.— Victor FungEconomicsInternational
Oh Truly Funny If you make Straight A's: Smartness runs in my family. When I went to school I was so smart my teacher was in my class for five years. -- Gracie Allen
Quality Love Hammer Point Poem Inside of a Poem: Take away love and our earth is a tomb. -- Robert Browning
Queen Margrethe 1174 of Denmark Comedy Humor her Personality: When the world hands you ash, add gin...Wait... Make Mine a Double...
Everyone may get a little excited sometime and want some or need some. Touch on or of the face amused, fingers gently diverted through the hair or down the back pleased, and soft kisses entertained and applied where pleasure pressure points are missing deprived needed attention revived. However, if you can’t support yourself you don’t need done.
~ The First Kiss may not be the best Kiss Line
The Chiquita Banana test is a test for married couples that have had at least one or more Congo Gates that jump start Baby made Class and Comfort to Boot Root Networking Is this true or false?
~ Comedy or humor Laughter Question Line 4 Who…….?
The Whispers ~ I Love You
Page 737
Factors to Consider Activity of Marketing and Sales Organizations (MSP)
Experience of Marketing/Sales manager including contacts in the industry (prospects, distribution channels, media), familiarity with advertising and promotion, personal selling capabilities, general management skills and a history of profit and loss responsibilities.
The ability to generate good publicity as measured by past successes, contacts in the press, quality of promotional literature and market education capabilities.
Sales promotion techniques such as trade allowances, special pricing and contests.
The effectiveness of your distribution channels as measured by history of relations, the extent of channel utilization, financial stability, reputation, access to prospects and familiarity with your offering.
Advertising capabilities including media relationships, advertising budget, past experience, how easily the offering can be advertised and commitment to advertising.
Sales capabilities including availability of personnel, quality of personnel, location of sales outlets, ability to generate sales leads, relationship with distributors, ability to demonstrate the benefits of the offering and necessary sales support capabilities.
The appropriateness of the pricing of your offering as it relates to competition, price sensitivity of the prospect, prospect’s familiarity with the offering and the current market life cycle stage.
Author’s Comment
Jan 12 2008G. Richard Shell
Whenever a new idea might affect resources, power, control or turf, politics will be part of the problem at the implementation stage. You need to prepare an idea-selling campaign, not just a presentation. ~ Change Management & Persuasion
Dec 31 2007Henry W. Chesbrough
In essence, a business model performs two important functions: It creates value and it captures a portion of that value. The first function requires defining a series of activities (from raw materials through to the final customer) that will yield a new product or service, with value being added throughout the various activities. The second function requires the establishing of a unique resource, asset or position within that series of activities in which the firm enjoys a competitive advantage. — Business Plans & Strategies
Jan 10 2008Margaret Wheatley
A society whose practices are premised only on economic growth is going to self-destruct, because materialism, if left unchecked, destroys the best aspects of being human and brings out our baser qualities.— Economics
Diet Humor not the best Nutritional Exercise Advice Comedy Check Point: I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is fourteen days. ~ Totie Fields
Epigram Impetus Bible Version of Romans Chapter 8 Verse 4,5 & Ch.8 Ver. 9,10: So that the requirements of the Law of Love is fulfilled in us who so ever walks in the spirit rather than according to the flesh will be rewarded with love and peace as long as the spirit of God and Christ dwells in you. The spirit of God and Christ dwells and stays in you because of righteousness.
If you were yogurt, factors to consider is that cream does rise to the top…fruitful or Dream Vacation, you may need license to Eh a A to Slip and Slide…
~ Females are like a Candy Store Line No Action Exclusive Inside Curl Up with me
Love is the only gold. Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul. ~Saint Aurelius Augustine ~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson Water Quality Pull Love Line
The Afters ~ Everything Good Thing
Page 738
Organization Success Long Term Successful Customer Service Factors to Explore (MSP)
· Experience of the Customer Service manager in the areas of similar offerings and customers, quality control, technical support, product documentation, sales and marketing.
· The availability of technical support to service your offering after it is purchased.
· One or more factors that causes your customer support to stand out as unique in the eyes of the customer.
· Accessibility of service outlets for the customer.
· The reputation of the enterprise for customer service.
Author’s Comments
Jan 8 2008Gary Hamel Turns out you don’t need a lot of top-down discipline when four conditions are met:
1. First-line employees are responsible for results.
2. Team members have access to real-time performance data.
3. They have decision authority over the key variables that influence performance outcomes.
4. There’s a tight coupling between results, compensation, and recognition.
— Management & Organizational Behavior
If you are either a conservative or a very nervous investor, a mechanical system might be smart. It certainly achieves two goals: (1) limiting potential losses and (2) helping you sleep at night. As for maximizing your returns, I think that’s another story. – Jonathan Steinberg
Forgiveness is the economy of the heart… Forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits. -Hannah More
Comedy Humor Quality Improvement Checkpoint: There was this gay guy who went to London only to find out that Big Ben was a clock.
Boy Meets Love Poem Inside of a Poem: There’s always a point in a relationship where you hit an incredible high. That second of time where you close your eyes and can’t believe you’re experiencing it. You get lost in the moment feeling like it can get no better than what it is that second. Moments like these shouldn’t be held onto for the way you felt. They should be grabbed onto to pull your heart up to something you’ve never even felt before. The key is not to be compete with the top of the mountain, but to reach to the sky when you hit it.
I love scavenger hunts…All that is needed is beautiful women and or a woman…and or Godly Living that attains spiritual power and growth through knowledge of Christ…with intimacy and full knowledge of Christ… ~ Be Helpful if you see someone with a Smile Give them yours Line
Their seems to be more weight in the ounce than in your bounce…Love is love and all we need to do is work on it. ~ Cute Fat Girl Line Serious Business Exercise and do the best nutrition
Rupa & the April Fishes and the Song is “Les Abeilles”
Page 739
Maintaining Profit Potential and Generation factors to Consider (MSP)
Potential for competitive retaliation is based on the competitor’s resources, commitment to the industry, cash position and predictability as well as the status of the market.
The enterprise’s ability to construct entry barriers to competition such as the creation of high switching costs, gaining substantial benefit from economies of scale, exclusive access to or clogging of distribution channels and the ability to clearly differentiate your offering from the competition.
The intensity of competitive rivalry as measured by the size and number of competitors, limitations on exiting the market, differentiation between offerings and the rapidity of market growth.
The ability of the enterprise to limit suppliers bargaining power.
The enterprise’s ability to sustain its market position is determined by the potential for competitive imitation, resistance to inflation, ability to maintain high prices, the potential for product obsolescence and the ‘learning curve’ faced by the prospect.
The availability of substitute solutions to the prospect’s need.
The prospect’s bargaining power as measured by the ease of switching to an alternative, the cost to look at alternatives, the cost of the offering, the differentiation between your offering and the competition and the degree of the prospect’s need.
Market potential for new products considering market growth, prospect’s need for your offering, the benefits of the offering, the number of barriers to immediate use, the credibility of the offering and the impact on the customer’s daily operations.
The freedom of the enterprise to make critical business decisions without undue influence from distributors, suppliers, unions, investors and other outside influences.
Author’s Comment
January 4, 2008 Sonny Saksena
Many companies believe that they incur no incremental costs when they add just one more feature to a product or one more term or condition to a contract. Yet these seemingly minor changes accumulate over time into significant financial costs; IBM research has found that they can account for 15 percent to 20 percent of total business costs. The rule of thumb across industries is that the cost of complexity increases by 20 percent to 35 percent for every doubling of complexity. Furthermore, we’ve found that 30 percent to 50 percent of the difference in cost structure between high-achieving suppliers and average suppliers of the same product comes from differences in design or in the complexity of the companies’ product line. Operational inefficiencies account for another 30 percent — and they’re largely a result of over-complexity.
– Finance Operations
Conventional wisdom is often long on convention and short on wisdom.
~ 1130 Warren Buffett Multi Billionaire #...?
All habits add up to a certain and particular summation of degrees, as does brooks make rivers and rivers run to seas. ~ Carlos Toomer ( Born: July 9, 1972)
Water Words of Wisdom Romantic Spark Inspiration Motivation Encouragement Psalm: Their are only so many words in language & if you are effective with positive words they always produce a positive effect of love, romance, or laughter...
A Biblical Lord's Prayer for Heaven of Earth: May your Kingdom come; may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. --Matthew 6:10 (TEV)
A Smile increases your face value… ~ Maintain Profit Potential Line
I like feeling. I am not afraid of touch. I don’t want to steal your spotlight but I will share it That lover of a night Came when she would, Went in the dawning light Whether I would or not...on the Straight and Narrow all things remain in God…..
~ Whatever Life we may need to Lead Line Bodies may Moan and Sing On all Good Things Remain in God
Irvin Mayfield & Ellis Marasalis ~ Love Songs, Ballads & Standards
Page 740
Internet Marketing it can Really Stink
If new marketing is still Broke
I’m not a person prone to Hype
MLMs To hear my Hype do you Gripe
Internet Marketing and such Tripe
Don’t be no sucker born each minute Type
Millionaires who may share a Pipe
Positive Smart Action makes life worth living Ripe
Don’t be the blind foolish Type
A piece of prosperity free enterprise capitalism point prosper Wipe
Laugh as if you don’t haunt my Peace hunt for Snipe
Author’s Comments
There are no shortcuts to any place worth going that are worthwhile, stable, secure, original, or unique.~ Carlos B. Toomer founder of Impetus Services
Count your joys instead of your woes; Count your friends instead of your foes. ~ Irish saying
There are no losers only winners who quit to soon. -Casey Stark
Buy the stocks of small companies below their economic value, let the companies grow, and resell them as proven successes at full economic value. Individuals often sell small companies below their economic value and buy mature companies at full value, thus providing the other side for our trades. – Ralph Wanger
Good manners and excellent habits make any man a pleasure to be with when it is consistent and persistently from the heart. Revised– Pete Mayle (1939--- ) British Author & Writer
You so attractive in a corn feed sort of way…
~ Country Wit Dinner Line or Introduction to Conversation
Know who you are and deliver it at all times." ~ Valuable Quality Words Water Line 4 Who…?
Tone Loc “Funky Cold Medina” (1989)
Page 741
Can a Certain Business & Marketing End Poverty…
Who’ll walk the fields with us to town
In an old coat, pants, or faded gown
We take our roots and country sweets
Where high walls shade the steep old streets
And golden bells and silver chimes Ring up and down the sleepy times
The morning mountains smoke like fires
The sun spreads our this shining wires
The mower cut fresh long grass
Sips teas and takes pleasure brass
Along the lines of economy amble
Should life be a gamble
If so sorrowful playing in the grasses cool
Slanting sun Slanting ways Startled lapwing tool
Along life hazel-path
Through lingering aftermath
Lady’s Smock Lady’s Slipper
To watch a nestling dipper
Eyes we pass
Sorrel-Crimson Phoenix Rising out of Grass
Blackbirds sing without a fear
Honeysuckle horns blow clear
Cool ivory true vermillion
Here within Silk Pavilion
Small caterpillars lie at ease
Blossom and fly endless shadows into trees
Garnet Painted purple cobalt
Grandiloquent, the rock-files halt
How to bring attention to a needed situation
Keep your conscious dignity Grace the transition
Feet Golden as we pass
Pollen on feet in grass
Beneath an elder set anew
Large plates catch the dew
Contrast fine white cheese bread and wine
Appetizer before we dine
Folks live with labor sweet
Combine Ethical Labor organizations force feet
Such Marketing & Business neat
It seems to me, Go Green like Green Grass Grows
Would make an end of Poverty Health Improvement Flows
Author’s Comments
We have been a global leader in business for many decades. The Secretary of Treasury has one of the most important job in the Federal Government. Those without a house or a secure home can negatively affect the flow of positive healthy economy.
~ Henry Paulson 74 U.S. Secretary of Treasury June 19, 2006 Nominated
“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” ~ Herbert Spencer
Love Verb Reverb Line of Love Poem Inside of a Poem : After the verb ‘to love’, the verb ‘to help’ is the most beautiful verb in the world. - Bertha Von Suttner
Shakespeare In Love Comedy Humor Romantic Positive Virtue Quality Needs: “If everybody's thinking alike, somebody isn't thinking.” - General Geogre S. Patton
Falling in love is wanting rising in love is why don’t you rise to the occasion and or occasions and give...To need love. Don’t wait, as much as love needs love. ~ Line 4 who?
Quantum Impetus United Royals Pink Positive Cake Empire United Nation...Bellows and Blows… Don't befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, Oh Huh… ~ Proverbs 22:24, NLT
~ Huh...Humor is Virtue Like Love Flows with Order and or Quality The Hint Subtleness is it Best Line
The Cranberries and the Song is “Zombie”
Supported by (IG)