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Ch.9 Religion Cover Page One Pg. 762


Chapter 9 Book of Religion

(the Virtue of Fidelity)


Rhyming Riddle Mind Stimulation Brain Education Enhancer

Is their a difference between Science and Religion?

Jonah was in the Belly of the Whale…huh…?

Moss was the Vessel involved with the division of the Red Sea…Oh?

Is it in the Who, Where, What, Why or How that the separation lies between Science & Religion….?

Answer in the Back of the EIV Bible… Pg.1546

Christianity can be condensed into 9 words: Admit, Submit, Commit, Transmit, to Love, Grace, Faith, & Peace. ~ Inertia #70 (Born: July 9, 1972)


" By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property.”

~ Voltaire Quote

( French Philosopher and Writer. One of the greatest of all French Authors, 1694 -1778)


We all face challenges of varying degrees every day. And, sometimes, when we think we might not be able to handle the circumstances that life has forced upon us, we are encouraged by the witness of those who found a source of fortitude they did not know they possessed. Fortitude is the virtue of all matters great and small with optimism and endurance as guiding light. So always be optimistic with endurance or find the people who are… The Virtue of Fortitude


Ch.9 Religion Cover Page II Pg. 763

Chapter 9: Religion “the Virtue of Fidelity”

Names and Pictures of Saints that has done the most for society with their Miracles.

I call myself being an epigrammatist the first three examples of Saints are based on their day and month of birth…I would love to have the Saints with the Miracles or Miracles they done.

For Example:

1.) Saint Fedelemia-Born January 11

Daughter of King Leoghaire of Ireland; sister of Saint Eithne.

2.) Saint Everild-Born July 9

Seventh Century English Nobility. Converted to Christianity. She was Nun at a convent at York.

3.) Saint Richardis-Born September 18

Daughter of Kenneth I, The Count of Alsacc and a Scottish émigré.

4.) Pope John Paul the II (Born: May 18, 1920---April 2, 2005)

5.)African Methodist 6 Episcopal Church Mount Vienna Baptized here Age 11 Saint Bernard II (Born: Juy 9, 1972) The Doctor of Angelic Love

6.)Saint Thomas Aquinas (1225—1274 ) Great Teacher of the Medieval Catholic Church His Title Dr. of theChurch and Angelic Doctor…

7.) Saint Francis of Assisi-The Reluctant Saint who was a Playboy…

8.)John the Baptist-He is Consider the Greatest Religious Saint after Jesus

9.)St. Didacus(1400-1463)-Didacus is Living Proof that God “Chose What is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose What is weak in the world to shame the strong” (1 Corinthians 1:27).

10.)Frances Margaret ("Fanny") Allen (Born: November 13, 1784 – September 10, 1819) was the first woman of New England birth to become a Roman Catholic Nun. Born in Sunderland, Vermont...


Ch.9 Religion (Pgs.762 --- 828) TheVirtue of Fortitude

“ True Religion Holds a Moral Authority to direct people to live a Spiritual Whole life.”The Tactful Art of Communication intent is to bring together everything, make sense of it with understanding, positive success, love, peace, and genuine laughter, as Sincere as Virtue Goes with Forititude…

Read this book by the Dalai Lama "The Path to Tranquility Daily Wisdom (Compass)”

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