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A, B, C...Easy as A B C's Poems


Ch.2 Communication the Virtue of Courage Pages (360-395)


Page 362


Catch 22


Their may appear sometimes to be a catch with language

One persons point of view maybe another’s regret

This could be true my Problems are Small Compared to Watcher of the Skies Planets Swim

Think Deeply. Speak Gently. Love Much. Laugh Often. Work Hard. Give Freely. And be Kind

Weak vs. Strong Clutch


Never blame anyone in your Life. Good people give you happiness. Bad people give you experience. Worst people give you a lesson and the best people give you memories.

Life’s preparation in its simplest form the opinion escape hatch

What is the Catch?

Success Leaves Tracks....Kingdom Servants make a Difference....

Heart full of Love a Ear Ready to Listen

Communication let’s debate topics to see, hear, feel, sense and or taste

Where do we go with Weak vs. Strong Chase Chaser Chased Chastity Chastise Chaste Chat or Communicate with Watchers of the Sky

Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia.

The way music plays on the heart language does flow

Teach with fun and facts Faith is Facts Faith is Acts....

And the truth will come out within the Acts Wax on Wax Off transfer tax and or with holdings Struggle and or Battles Weak v.s. Strong Cues...

Some people don’t have the correct knowledge not even Sunshine Imagination Remember it Capture it Joy

Genius the Lesser, The Epidermis Leper… Always tell the truth…

~ Namaste' ~ My Soul honors your soul. I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty and peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, we are one.

Catch 22 should not hurt feelings only opportunity to respond

Catch 22 Language may appear to be a challenge beyond bond

Fun Along with the facts fond apply a little tact

Communication is a habit Catch 22 Weak vs. Strong crew or fact


A bad habit is anything that doesn’t lead Anybody

In a Positive Direction Life is About Direction not Treatment

With these words I do pray for Correction and or Clarity

Do the research I challenge you…somebody or anybody Mary Poppins Mrs Poppins Ms Poppins Catch 22 Catch 22 Catcher of the Sky

In every job that must be done there is an element of fun….


To Capture Words that Sound into the chambers of the and or thy heart and or ear like Peacock Blue Point of View Debutant Debut

Rhyme Imagery of what does appear to trace and or Race

Remember The spirit circle within the living circle of souls’ glory and liberty embrace Remember it Capture it Joy

Conquer a doomed man’s fate with PROPER and or Quality Education that leaves more than Just Experience Liberty and or Grace that Leads It's a New Day...

Keep the Faith. The most amazing things in life tend to happen right at the moment you’re about to give up hope.

Weak vs. Strong Communication no Catch 22 to Place…..Teachers Show to Win…Box the Exacta Watcher of the Sky….God & or Will to win…Backbone Ace Full House Royal Flush Two of Kind Watchers of the Sky yield a richer harvest of fruits that bring salvation Vatican too

Catch 22 Remember it Capture it Tact and or Wit of Humor to Win Win Win

Christ alone, Cornerstone Weak made Strong in the Saviour's Love Through the Storm He is Lord Lord of All

"Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it." 


- Ralph Waldo Emerson, you know him as a transcendental man!

Dear Lord, I need Your help, especially with direction and guidance. Please show me where to start and be my help each step of the way. Amen.

Author’s Comments

Those who never retreat their opinion love themselves more than they love the truth…

-- Joseph Joubert (born 1754–1824)


“In the heart of action, the mere ability to remember our principles, our goals and the specific reasoning behind the course, we have taken is an element of courage.” - Robert Grudin Author & Philosopher (born 1938)


Life leaps like a geyser for those willing to drill through the rock of inertia.

-- Alexis Carrel Nobel Prize in Medicine 1912 (born 1873—1944)


Don’t let the fear of striking out hold you back.

Babe Ruth (MLB: 1914—1935) George Herman Ruth, Jr. (February 6, 1895 – August 16, 1948), best known as "Babe" Ruth and nicknamed "the Bambino" and "the Sultan of Swat", was an American baseball player who spent 22 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB) playing for three teams (1914–1935).


Poor communication is the number one culprit of failed relationships—in business and at home. Since relationships are the foundation of success, leaders would be wise to invest in the communication skills of context and delivery. Master them, and you’ll more easily gain favor, more readily make friends, and more effectively motivate others.

~ John C. Maxwell (Born: 1947 ) Leadership Expert, Author, & Speaker


I am a great believer in luck, positive thought, belief, and experience. The harder and smarter, I work, the more of it. I seem to have luck. - Coleman Cox Revised


Situational Comeback Element #3 Awareness on Past Evolution Tactful Humor on or of Man & Best Friend in High School 819 Stephen Davis…Genius the Lesser, The Epidermis Leper… Always tell the truth…


Words of Love Wisdom Mantra Motto Enlightenment Creed Recipe #10: The great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude.”— Pg. 1482 #17 is Ralph Waldo Emerson (born May 25, 1803 – passed April 27, 1882) was an American lecturer, essayist, and poet, best remembered for leading the Transcendentalist movement…


Disney Life Success Real Life Fairy tale Truism Positive Attitude Recipe Element #15: In every job that must be done there is an element of fun…. ~ Mary Poppins


If, I know tact than I know the facts and the Laws of Attraction are simple...

~ Tactful Communication the Wine of Love and Life and more than a Humor Line


No matter the pain or matter how much it hurts no matter let it go...

~ Lindsay Tarpley #309 Set the Standard on more than Communication Line


Watch the Movie “The Great Debaters” with Denzel Washington



Page 363



 Public Relations 1992


T’was once in a powerful man’s office savior

Little did he know

He told somewhat of the truth about productive socializing and human behavior

It stole the show


Young somewhat becoming and curious about all life was I

With his precise stealth like demeanor, personality, and words to overcome and or defy

Let the truth be told…

I Truly didn’t Understand the Lesson at First Behold and or to Tell like Told

Cylinder and or unlock eternity miracles


But I took his advice and words for what it was worth

And moved on…with great merriment and mirth

Let it be known chemical operations, diplomatic negotiations, and expectations

These are precious moments, social honeybee’s nectar sweet taste Public Relations


I beseech you…Don’t let me wait

Let me merge with you, don’t debate

My mind, My body, My soul, hearts to unfold

Love has no cause Family ties do Bond and Mold

The Aim and or Mark to Leave on Earth is to Hold and or to be Held Leave a Positive Mark for Others to Follow and or to Share 


Author’s Comments

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

~ New Testament Hebrews 11:1


Accomplish something every day of your life.

- Walter Annenberg (American Publishing Philanthropist and Diplomat) (Born: March 13, 1908 – October 1, 2002)


The three great essentials to achieving anything worthwhile are first- hard work, stick-to-it and invent with smart work, and third common sense and or Solution Solve. ~ Carlos B. Toomer (Born: July 9, 1972)


Achieve success in my area of life by identifying the optimal strategies and repeating them until they become habits. -- Charles J. Givens Author and Financial Analysis (born 1941–July 14, 1998)


To reach our goal, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it. But we must sail and not drift, not lie at anchor.

-- Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. (born August 29, 1809—October 7, 1894)


What counts is the ideals…Positive Creativity is itself a unstoppable combined love force tapping and or streaming like water on time… — Robert Frost Revised



Sexual Humor Commentary: “I don`t think when I make love.” - Brigitte Bardot


Marriage Relationship Lovers Love Always Quality Romance Romantic Sparks Element #12: Lovers do not finally meet somewhere. They are in each other all along.

---Rumi ( born 30 September 1207 – passed 17 December 1273)


Enlightenment Understanding Socialization Quality Value Declaration Recipe #8: Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swaps of the not-quite, the not-yet, and the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration, for the life you deserved and have never been able to reach. The world you desire can be won. It exists… it is real… it is possible… it’s yours. -Ayn Rand (Born: February 2 [O.S. January 20] 1905 – March 6, 1982) was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher, playwright, and screenwriter.


(Guy looks at the tag on the girls shirts and says…)Yep Made in heaven. I hope. I think…Yes.

~ The Way to a Females Heart is to build up Self-Esteem Flattery Line


Hop Scottish, Butter Scottish, Brandy or wine…to civilization with flattery pleasure teasing pleasing and or you’re mine…Sex appeal is a or the keynote to your and or my and or our Civilization….

~ Elle Macpherson Cya CC Courtly Bio #290 CCC Rhyme of a Line


To Heart a Situation or not and Learn from it Listen and Reflect on or to Spin Doctors “Two Princes”



Page 364




Skill or eloquence

In public speaking

For a special occasion

The art of public speaking

In a formal or eloquent manner


O-Occasion to speak and relay

R-Rational emotional communication

A-Attention to detail with precision

T-The art of public speaking

O-Occupation mastered by few

R-Raconteur to



Author’s Comments

It is always self-defeating to pretend to the style of a generation younger than your own; it simply erases your own experience in history. - Renata Adler (Born: 1938- )


To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we perceive the world and use this understanding as a guide to communication to others.

~ Anthony Robins American Advisor to Leaders Bio Courtly 121#


The trouble with talking too fast is you may say something you may say something you haven’t thought yet… -- Ann Landers (Born: July 4, 1918—June 22, 2002)


Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless.

--Mother Teresa (born 8/27/1910 --- passed 9/5/1997) The Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 & More Info. at Pg.1487 #41


Speech is powerful when a great oratory presents it. Speech of rational beautiful communication can and does persuade, convert and compel. It is meant to positively stimulate the sense of senses to improve ideas and thoughts and action.

~ Ph.d Doctor Carlos Bernard Toomer (Born: July 9, 1972 ) #57 Pg.17


Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions. Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Your Character it becomes your destiny. Reputation is not as important as image of character in a profession. Reputation is what others say. Image is your internal belief. So what is a Consistent Graceful Ego with Self Confidence and Quality Love and Tactful Humor…?

#1200 HRH Queen Elizabeth II (Born: April 21, 1926 ) Courtly Care Lover & #60 Pg.17 Queen of the United Kingdom: HRH Queen Elizabeth II


The true way to love in continuous flow with the angels is to adopt the “gratitude attitude.” When we are grateful to be alive the world no longer seems like a place of doom; it becomes a beautiful, unfolding landscape of Heaven. -Terry Lynn Taylor,” Angel Days (Born: ? )


If you have made mistakes…there is always another chance for

You. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this

thing we call “failure” is not the falling down, but the staying

down. -- Mary Pickford (Born: 1893-1979) Canadian Actress 



Comedy Tactful Humor Circle of Life Perk Element #10: Blessed is he who talks in circles, for he shall become a big wheel...


Happiness Affirmation Self-Esteem Declaration Recipe #7: Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude. ~463 Denise Waitley (Born: 1933 ) Courtly Motivator


Quality Love Always the Answer to more Love Clarification Wish Point Recipe #13: If you wished to be loved, love. —Lucius Annaeus Seneca


To pacify, to propitiate nature is appeasing to you, renders favorable the prepared and ambitious.

~ The Art of Communication Line


I want to be your devisable income and give you all that you need and or can conceive….... ~ Line for who….?


The Verve Pipe ~ “The Freshmen”



Page 365



 Expression of the Contended Epigrammatist #32 Pg.1540


Hence forth the essence of communication

The ease and level euphonious sound of moving speech and conversation

Munificent query tact being a friend sometimes with representation and explanation

Epigram completion promulgate expound communication


Only to demise but to surprise

Clever words substance content the prize

Smart Search long study hard reveal the truth

Uncover the roots to applause an epigrammatist divine intervention fruits of truth are what…?


Author’s Comments

In work, the greatest satisfaction lies- in the satisfaction of stretching yourself, using your abilities and making them expand, and knowing that you have accomplished something that could have been done only by your unique apparatus. This is really the center of life, and those who never orient themselves in this direction are missing more than they ever know.

--Kenneth Alsop (born 1920—1973)


We think according to nature. We speak according to rules. We act according to custom.

--Francis Bacon (born 1561—1626)


When you exercise your freedom to express yourself at the lowest level, you ultimately condemn yourself to live at that level.

~ Zig Ziglar Motivational Speaker (Born: November 6, 1926 --- Passed November 28, 2012) #321


Who, speaks, sows. Who listens, reaps. ~ Argentine Proverb


Aim at perfection in everything, though in most things it is unattainable.

However, they who aim at it, and preserve, will come much nearer to it than those whose laziness and despondency make them give it up as unattainable….-- Lord Chesterfield: English Writer, Statesman Perfection Quote (born 1694–1773)


Victory becomes, to some degree, a state of mind knowing ourselves superior to the anxieties, troubles, and worries which obsesses us, we are superior to them.

-- Basil King Writer (born 1859–1928 )


We are born to succeed, not to fail.

Henry Thoreau Philosopher, Naturalist (born 1817–1862) Pg.1483 #20


Your ability to be a winner 100 percent of the time is based upon giving up the notion that losing at anything is equivalent to being a loser.” ~ 545 Dr. Wayne Dyer (Born: May 10, 1940 -- Passed 29 August 2015)



Words of Wisdom Tactful Communication Point Recipe #11: Adversity has the merit of opening our eyes by showing which of our friends are true & which are feigned. - Boethius


Epigram Quality Love Inspiration Encouragement Romantic Love Spark Icing Element #12 : Love is like a flint that sparks with warming heart glowing flames...


Words of Wisdom Clarification Point Recipe Element #13: “Tact is the intelligence of the heart”


Oh…I need to CALL GOD…He is missing something…I don’t know about forbidden fruits but you don’t look forbidden…Well Kept, Clean, Proper, Clean, Tastie, Clean, and or Ready.

~ Clean & Proper Call Good Will Fruitful Red Wine Barrels of Fun Line


I know. I loved you from the start even when I only had a picture and my heart...God Knows

Love is nothing but an eternal friendship. Lite the fire inside you...

~ 13 her Lucky # and Courtly Slot Character Location: T-Swift the Rock Clutch Flow Catch Pop Lock Country Lean G Graceful G Bounce C-Toomer Signature #97 Pg. 18 #98 & Courtly Graceful Opera Character Rose Bud Citizen Kane Nebraska Corn Stalk by way of Wyomissing Kissing Kissed Pennsylvania at Birth Pg.22 #13 of more than a line


Listen to music selection by Jackson Browne “Tender is the Night” and or Junior Walker & the All Stars "Shotgun"

and or



Page 366



Bill Nelson #127 aka Beta Navigation ~ Family almost Quatrain #70 Pg.1542


Someone you love someone who cares, someone who can remember the good times

Not the bad times Prepare

Someone who can remember you laughing sunshine that Stays not Strays more than Sometimes

The family Circle Blue Skies Sweet Kisses near misses never Fade Love and Care

If you can…As if

Don’t remember me crying, remember me laughing, As If not to Buy or Try

To be strong, not to be weak and to never cry, Sniff

In the spring remember me as the happy things like the sun, birds and the bees, why,

The flower and the cheerful blue sky and or skies,

Don’t remember the bad times or things, transition, tradition, security addition

Remember Sunshine, Blue Skies, Hot Springs Rainbow Skies Bubbles and Heat Healthy Babies, and or our mission on my and or our minds to be Wise

Rainy Days, Gloomy Showers, Windy Days better than the 4 of July Sunshine and Ambition

The Family Circle affair Remember me Laughing Don’t Remember me Crying

Utopia Impetus Circle Preside Percept Precept Teaching and or Coaching Cheerleading Love Affairs and or Affair

Family Better and or Bravo Better Needs Alpha Omega Needs Windy Days Rainbow Gaze Never Go away Applying

 Falls Autumn Spring’s Summer Family Love and the Best Navigation Surest Win and or Wind Winning Ways and or Liquid Air or the Lord’s Prayer Replenish and or Nurture


Author’s Comments

It is simply easier to remember the good and great than the bad time. It is more efficient.

~ Saint Bernard II #9 Pg. 15 (Born: July 9, 1972)


National proclamation statement all humans need to exercise two hours a day. ~ Janet Reno 1st Female Attorney General (1993-2001) Courtly #812 Bio

(Born: July 21, 1936 -- passed November 7, 2016 ) ~ As I promised-History Musical C.D.


Don’t Pee on my leg and tell me, it’s raining: America’s toughest family Court Judge speaks out…

~ Judge Judith Sheindlin #834 (Born: October 21, 1942)


Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end. ~ Scott Adams Social Satirist (Born: June 8, 1957 )


Imagination is the highest kite one can fly. ~ Lauren Bacall #615

(Born: Betty Joan Perske New York City, New York September 16, 1924 --passed August 12, 2014)


Live in each season as it passes: breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, grow in positive experience positive maturity always flourishes.

--Henry David Thoreau (born July 12, 1817—May 6,1862) Revised #20 Pg.1483 is Bio Info



Affirmation Self-Esteem Declaration Element Recipe #7: If you can imagine it, you can achieve it; if you can dream it, you can become it. - William Ward


Love Words of Wisdom Small Things Clarification Point Element Recipe #13: Do not think that love in order to be genuine has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. — Mother Teresa 1910-1997, Albanian Born Roman Catholic Missionary #41 Pg.1487


Tactful Humor Biblical Raising Point Recipe #9: {30:11} Give him no liberty in his youth, and wink not at his follies. ~ What book is this in the Real Bible…? {10:31}


How many ways can you love without touching...? When love is your foundation and your life is rooted in faith, there is no need for comparison. Love does not envy Rays of Light

~ Creativity Benefits Love and the Prepared Foundation of mind inTouch of a Family Line


I know. I may not understand, but sometimes, I need more than to more than understand May every sunrise hold more promise and every sunset hold more peace.

~ 293 Irina Lazareanu Supermodel Flow and Catch Pitch and Throw of a Line


The Artist is Keb ‘Mo’ The Song is “She Just wants to dance…”



Page 367



A World Wide Language not Like Heartstruck Gearstruck Blank Verse


The Theme of a Worldwide Language

Is the theme of the Present Age

It is the or a needed Action for Future Present Perfect Age

A World Wide Language of Understanding Leads to H20 Utopia Love Words Pure World a Saint Patrick Action a Daily Love and or a Perfect Nation

Satisfaction As if more than the Word of Love is more than Reaching Out to be Established…

As if it is the or a World Wide Language at a or the Present Average Stage…?

The Mocking Birds outside our bed room window sang in all the local tongues and dialects

Here in the Formative as Productive Understanding Ideas, Thoughts, Common Ground of Understanding Love Always the Necessary Need…

Slowly or Abruptly Put it in…One Place at a time… One Main Language for Understanding Transform Intricacy Edit Remain Remind One Main Language at the same time Confusion Muse Reform Hold Heaven of a Time

As the Voice of all humankind understands the Newer Language and or World Wide Appeal Remind

A Worldwide guarantee as the voice of the human race comprehends and or Proceeds Satisfaction and or Precedes all together now Remain Remind

Language as One…One World people blend… As if to Say One Love Emerald Isles IRA Dublin Ireland was a or the Bomb

As if The English Language…Can Lead the Way Friends Extend St. Patties Love St. Bernard’s Adaption

Belfast March on and on…Move on…and expand and improve…World Wide got or gone to the Wind

Poetic Win Poetic pen poetic techniques to announce

Not officially or anything like that, this, or it…

But as a voice for all people to have a better understanding of each other British Isles North Sea Winds Belfast and a Mile

No matter where we are at…Mother…Brother…or Another …Win…and to Comprehend

Winning it is a matter of words put together with understanding & positive purpose and or progression

Into a package of verbal sounds and recognition symbols All-Purpose Multipurpose kind of like…Need Civilization Civilize Nature Render Cuourtsey my Heart is Merry

And A Plethora of Limericks and Plentiful poems for every playful purpose. Hoist a pint, not your petard…Gale…and never jump in the Nile Summers Gleams Glow

Essential Oils, Baritone Bear. Parsley, Sage Rosemary, Hormone Pure Harmony Solution, and Thyme is not a or the Limerick! Of just a Friend

The Poem Capricious, Was Vogler. I once entered a poem capricious and thought I need more privacy to Express more than me or my feelings

She Drop her Sweet Undies with Harmony....with AM and FM Intentions to modulate her Bandwidth Frequency...As if was I suppose to Read her Mind....

To be a Grammatical Admissible Systematic Orderly Syntax Impetus Stimulation Stimulus into Personality Enhancement Mood Vibration Operations The Operator has to Always Love Adaptation and Adapt to Love and or to the Win in Situations and or Quality Love

a World Wide Language with Tactful Humor And or Quality Brit Brite English Comedy and or best Friends I thought we was best friends she was so confusing....Winter Drift Snow Welcomes

The Mocking Bird outside our bed room window sang in all the local tongues and dialects

As the World Rotates and Spins around and around…One world people on earth… Quality Love needs more than the Sound of Heartstruck

Sound A Pleathora of a Limerick is like a Precise Tapping on a Prepositional Educated Grammatical Plethora As…As if

One National Language… No Gimps but more Limps but no Gimmick….Everybody needs more of what Mamma needs…Gearstruck Heartstruck Blank Verse or the or a Perfect Limerick to more than Win

One Wide World Sweet Love Dear Love Service Pamper my Language Leading Language Joystick Bailwick… Pimp my Mantis Colonel Brine My Pistol…She and her Over and Out Undies....We was Harmony...

Homesick Icepick Billy Kid Crossover… I am like a Entertainer on the Road….Prime

Bluetick Lovestick…Retriever her…Billy’s Drive Bell Stick heal Her…

Quality Production needs Produce and or Produces Understanding and or Appeal Primary think We might Just need to be Married...?

Breadstick Bootlick Irish Whiskey not Jack Daniel's Candlestick Past Time Lasagna Beaches of North Carolina Red Red Wine Brunswick Supply East Coast Doggy Tricks Secondary Nature

Law of Attraction World Wide Language…. Chicks & Clicks… Lipstick Country Limerick Downtown Tricks… Dropkick the Fitzpatrick Limerick Talking out and or out the Side of her Head Snapping Trick and or Tricks… No don’t do it Fitzpatrick Romance Flick and or to pick Lily my County Brim Line of Nature name her and tell me the Movie…Special Magic mmm Handpicked Matchsticks and Love Notes Notebook my Romance Lovesick was a or the Relation and or not Just Past History Joy Knots…Understanding Language How Goes the Bell when the Wind Tolls

Hallelujah Praise the Lord and AAAMEN!!! get Your Church On and or One World Wide Language Joy Notes....tongues and dialects


Author’s Comments

Accept no one’s definition of your life, but define yourself.

~ Harvey Fierstein American Actor, Playwright, and Screenwriter (Born: June 6, 1952 )


If you want to go, quickly, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.

~ African Proverb


It is better by noble boldness to run the risk of being subject to half the evils, we anticipate than to remain in cowardly listlessness for of what might happen…

---- Herodotus Greek Historian (485—425 c)


The best way to predict your future is to create it.

~ Stephen Corey (Born: 1948) Essayist, Editor, Poet


Judge each day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you planet.

-- Robert Louis Stevenson (born November 13, 1850---December 3, 1894)


“There is an eloquence in true enthusiasm that is not to be doubted.”

~ True Enthusiasm Quote   



Simple Affirmation Self-Esteem Declaration Element #7: Gratitude = Happiness, It’s that simple. ~ 852 Lori Moreno


Brilliant Heart Words of Wisdom Element Recipe #5: “A heart is like a red rose. When happy, it sparkles brilliantly. - Claire Charmont Revised Love specialist


One World Language Dream Clarification Point Recipe #13: Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true. - Leon Suenes                                                                                                                                           


I am interested in direction, depending on your reply it will help…Pause…How Does the Directions go to a Loving Heart…? ~ Subtle Direction Heart Line Tact of Humor


No Matter, how much you know…No Matter, How you Think… No matter, what it maybe… never take my love away… Quality My Love Play on my Thumper like spread peanut butter… ~ Jamie Lynn Spears Quality Value Courtly Grammie Cracker Kindhearted Wealth Character #304 Success and Value Line


George Clinton a Parliament Funkadelic is…is kind of like move something “Erotic City”


Page 368




Paul Miller Courtly 128 aka Papa Magnetism Character #128 Bio ~ (UNCW) Former Athletic Director


Birth a miracle… Questions asked with Mirth,

We oft live our lives to prove our worth,

In life we sometimes struggle here to on earth,

On the ebbing tides of emotions within our Circles of Girth,

If you could reverse your roll,

Exchange where you are and be another,

Would you go far…?

When the day is done toll the soul…not to just adjust the Sound and or to be Renown

And Life when it Comes to a End…Who makes the plaque…That Says…

“They did their best”

“The award lies in their and your Heart of Worth and or Love”

When we look within our self

Wisdom and peace comes from the inside

A place of caring eyes on others

You win the race of life when and…If

Your a Champion on and off the Field

Court Compassionate Improvement Work Action Positive Love Love Quality more than a Logo Trademark Sign or Signs

Working Action Look in the mirror unwind And see the beauty in you

Combined Success is a Never Ending Review of Quality Improvement and Impetus Habitual Aqua Water Hydrogen Oxygen H20 Purer Purest Pure Improvement

There are a thousand excuses for every failure but never a good reason. 


Author’s Comments

I will make love my greatest weapon and none on who I call can defend against its force. My love will melt all hearts like the sun whose rays soften the coldest day. — Og Mandino


Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity. Cherish each hour of the day for it can never return. — Og Mandino

Once Homeless became a Sales Guru and Author of the bestselling Book

“ The Greatest Salesman in the World. (born December 12, 1923—September 3, 1996) Index 2 Book Reference List is On Pg.1518


Change your language to positive and you change your thoughts to positive.

- Karl Albrecht Revised Visionary Renaissance Thinker (Born February 20, 1920 -- Passed July 16, 2014) Once was the Richest Person in Germany


“For every minute of anger, you lose 60 seconds of happiness.”

--Ralph Waldo Emerson (May 25, 1803—April 27, 1882)#17 Pg.1482


I always thought, it would be neat to make the Olympic team.

I have reached a place in my life where I need to sit down and say, ‘Well, what do I do? What’s best for me?’ I need to look into options for the future.

~ Michael Phelps 8 Gold Medals Swimming 2008 Beijing Olympics (Born: June 30, 1985)



Tactful Humor Biblical Point Element #13: What agreement is there between the hyena and a dog? And what peace between the rich and the poor…? What book is this in the Real Bible? { 13:18}


Enlightenment Love Words of Wisdom Element #10 : Whenever you are confronted with an OPPONENT. Conquer him... with L O V E” ~ Mahatma Gandhi #29 Pg.1485


Disney Recording Man’s History & Pure Virtue Fairy tale Truism #15: Play nice with the other kids unless the other kid wants to fight. Then you gotta kick the other kid’s butt. For future reference, I’m as innocent as the day I was hatched. – Iago in Aladdin and the King of Thieves


If, we were ever stuck in a desert together, we would need a camel ‘cause what good would smoking do?” You have too much reserve and obviously nothing of worth to do in your Hands of Life and or hand that will out live the best quality health Good or Better health is the better or best life…

~ Don’t Smoke it Kills you Slowly Line Omnipotent Understanding be Pure


I don’t know what you need. I don’t know what she needs. I know encouragement, perfect better days ahead nutrition, and excellent flashback exercises that goes with awesome fresh releases.

~ C #295 Ana Beatriz Barros Supermodel Holds Freshness Releases Amazing Results Changes Us Line Great Nutrition Great Exercise


Listen to music selection by Kenny Chesney “Some People Change”



Page 369



The Essence of Good or Better Communication

46 Cindy Crawford aka Compassion Closure 46 The Consecrated Consensual Corn Cockle not a Cock & Bull Story Consecutive Logical Sequence Succession to Order Success is Selective Agrostemma Githago Coronation The Corporate United Pink Sovereign Family


It is not a game…and nor a guessing game.

It is not to be totally honest.

Even when it hurts to be.

The tears may flow.

Fight the Odds Persevere.....

The pride unguarded,

But the heart is totally honest.

The fools may use reverse psychology

Sometimes it does work in the best interest of a kid.

The wise know it’s best not to

Play “head games”

I look around for clues of that

And when a child smiles I think and Know all of Psychology needs to Follow Astrology or Astronomy

Soft as Song as far as Paradise Simplicity

I am refreshed to know some of us


Know the essence of its truth Sports Psychology

Good communication with humans and its healing powers for the Head is its own Place of Comfort not Confusion

Opportunity Lives in Value Dare Dismiss Bittersweet Success Wins and Losses.....


Author’s Comments

Success goes to the swift and to whoever never quits relax if you must but never quit on the simplicities of life. ~ Essence Proverb


If, you expect the best, learn to use of the most powerful laws in this world;

Change your mental habits to belief instead of disbelief. Learn to expect, not to doubt. In so doing you bring everything into the realm of possibility.

--- Dr. Norman Vincent Peale ( born May 31, 1898 – passed December 24, 1993) Pg.1486 #37


Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership the leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader, can’t get a message across clearly. And motivate others to get on it, then having a message doesn’t ever matter. - Gilbert Amelio…President & CEO of National Semiconductor Corp. ( Born: ? )


“Positive minds with positive action creates positive energy, able to spring up from any disadvantage and work through solitary or group networking makes a irresistible way through a thousand obstacles with positive mentality & solid morals or temperance”

~ Positive Action & Energy Quote



Love Clarification Points Recipe #13: Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it.-- Martin Luther King Jr #48 Pg.1488


Quality Enlightenment Value Positive Creativity Clarification Point Recipe #8: Only way of finding the limits of the possible is by going beyond them into the impossible. ~ Arthur Clarke


Royalty Conversation Element Potential Icing Point #14: Leadership is the great challenge of the 21 century in science, politics, education and industry. But the greatest challenge in leadership is parenting. We need to do more than just get our enterprises ready for the challenges of the 21 century. We also need to get our children ready for the challenges of the 21 century. Parents skillfully talk to your kids about the future with motivating goals, encouraging support, positive inspiration. And tactful humor.


Be Creative and say yes. Do you want to go on a Date…? Be Original and Don’t Say NO… Don’t make haste judgment based on the cover of a book. I come with so many pages, the fulfillment on the inside is like adventure and exploration.... you like Summer and I like Spring...

~ Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. ~ 1 Corinthians 13:7, NLT


9/10 of Ownership is Feel Good Belief Meant to be Shared.

~ 314 Linda Davis Billboard Billings Property Tax Award Line Country Courtly #314 Perfect First Time Lover


Listen to music selection by Katie Armiger “Unseen”



Page 370



Forgiven... Saint Therese of Lisieux #869 (1873-1897)”The Story of the Soul”


You asked and you have received

If still without fail you don’t believe

What more to say or display

Bent over backwards hoping that your mind Strides jumps Strives Pumps Seizes joy and or pray unto Him in Regards to Strife

His Love Opens Up Spring Doors Lovers Insights Creeks Sing Sleigh Slide

Remove thy shoulders from thy burdens Sigh Strive

And exhale away all pain eminent hope Return on all the Lord’s Commands praying does pay Reaps Benefits Graceful and or Civil on Demand

Pray for those who Prey on you.....

As if That or the time is near for the day of understanding

A hope to preserve and or win

A or the Battle of the Titans which leads to None

Onto a positive course don’t let it fade

Seeing Life Abundance Positive Life Supply Law of Attractions Gut Reactions Reveal Butterflies Butterfly Actions

What were those words that you want to say and or Remember

Truth, righteousness, peace faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out. Ephesians 6, The Message brought to you by Jess Connolly

Let thy trust be revived; thy faith in melodious refrains amid thy daunting lot! O Sing ALOUD unto God thy Strength…..

Don’t forget to ask to forgive and Always Bless the Day

Blessed is the Day of Understanding and Acceptance of you and yours at Task and or Duty and or at Hand

Hope Anchors the Soul Jesus is always with us will Anchor the Soul with Love which will Aid in Becoming a Better Male and or Man Females Lead and or Ladies Grace

Life on Earth Doesn’t Have to End…Neither Nor but at least Bless Ones Days

Make Choices with Love there is the seed of growth and development in each of these

Reside in Love focus of the process dreams manifest most exquisitely


Authors’ Comments

Forgiveness is also our responsibility…to forgive and be forgiven.

- Brian Weiss M.D.Author


Language is the Apparel in which your thoughts parade in public. Never clothe them in vulgar and shoddy attire. - Dr. George W. Crane


“Leaders who make it practice to draw out the thoughts and ideas of their subordinates and who are receptive even to bad news will be properly informed. Communicate downward to subordinates with at least the same care and attention as you communicate upward to superiors.” - L.B. Belker


I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. -- Thomas Pain British/American Writer (born 1737—1809)


Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart; be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength and redeemer. ~ Psalm 19:14



Hot Heat Poetic Spark Romeo Juliet Point Element #17: Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. Being purged, a fire sparkling in lovers eyes.-- William Shakespeare 1564--1616, British Poet, Playwright, Actor


Present Tactful Humor Comedy Point: Sometimes love is like singing, it may satisfy you but not impress the neighbors. — Zora Neale Hurston Revised 1903-1960, American Novelist


Epigram Element Just Depends on the Situation to Moving on: There is no method by which men can be both free and equal... -Walter Bagehot in the Economist, 5 September 1863 ...Abstract liberty, like other mere abstractions, is not to be found... Edmond Burke Speech on Conciliation with America, 22 April 1777 The true danger is when liberty is nibbled away, for expedience, and by parts. --Edmond Burke Letter to the Sheriffs of Bristol 3 April 1777…



Say girl…I’m baking a cake and it taste kinda bitter…..can you put your finger in it for the right amount of sweetness. ~ Brace Yourself Under the Weight of Bloom Line


From the tip top toe tap a watch dog can always connect true soul mates in quality love loving, looking good benefits in Bare Foot Nation and or Lead the Pioneer in Athletes Creed...

~ Line for who…?


The Movie Bridesmaids is a Comedy was Release May 13, 2011 ….Starting Kristen Wiig, Terry Crews, Jessica St. Clair. Directed by Paul Feig….The Spring of May 13, 2011 Universal Pictures and Apatow Productions Released The Movie Bridesmaids ….This is was the Final film Appearance of Jill Clayburgh..... (Born: April 30, 1944 – November 5, 2010 a 21 Year Battle with Leukemia Ended)……As a an American Actress, she received Academy Award nominations for her roles in An Unmarried Woman (1978 Comedy-Drama Film) and Starting Over (1979 Comedy Movie). David Rabe ( born March 10, 1940) an American playwright and screenwriter has been her husband since (1979) they had two children together, actress Lily Rabe (Born: 1982) and Michael Rabe. He has one son, Jason Rabe, from his first marriage ….



Page 371



Little Footsteps of Positive Stimulation

Judy Davis & Bio Courtly #129


You are my sun, you are my rain You are my joy, you ease my pain

Love is in the air It could be the most fun you ever could have had Family Affairs

Little footsteps in the sand, seashells, bikinis in hand…Where are the Kids…? Where are the Children…?

Having so much fun Pleasure Enhance Sexual Demand not Sex on Demand…

Self-image look in the mirror

Cheekbones flush, sudden excitement blush…No Kids…

Ribcage Heart Rush Swift Tingling Timing Ting Ting Ting

Maximum point of intensity nearer nearer nearer Always the Potential

Hipbones back thrust, push, pull, drive, Hush Always Improve

Let me try, Let me do, Let me be, Let me see…

Set me Free Gravity Rapture Thrill Euphoric Deep Sexual Healing Will and or Deliver me Vitamin C

Let me Up, Let Me Go, Let me Breathe…Let me Let my infinite possibilities overcome me inner prosperity freedoms.....


You always need to have a side hustle through out your Twenties and Thirties or is is a lack of Responsibility

Exchange of Information tells me you know me told me I will always let you know…

Expression Feelings of Rapport Relate Relations Relate Relations’ Relate are you late….

Liaison to Most intimate Moments Spellbound Lets go…Vitamin D

Swoon Cuddle Hush Maximum Growth Support your Dreams...

Conversation with a Lady Sharing Special Sunshine Sensations and Moon Lite Moments and or a Handful of Second Sun

Hopefully the Night Creeps in, Let’s Go Spellbound

Passion Dreams Relaxing Smiles Sensual Grins No Kids around

Let me try, Let me do, Let me see…Let me be Love and Sunshine Double my Efforts for a Forever Valentine Lifestyle that Grins and Glows Dreams do Come true....

Voices of Wonder that Softens the Night... Grind…The Spiritual Voice Goes help me leave my heart in your hands….The Sexual Voice Goes Let me wedge my way in your heart......

As the Conversation goes feet foot toes Embellishes the Good light of Action into the Pledge of Promise I got Allegiance to my Needs…

Renewable Energy Track Makers Malt....

The Plight of Engagement was no Ordinary Plot…Kids are not Always needed…When we succeed they succeed.....

Pitter, Patter, Chitter, Chatter Bang Bang Bang Christian Hollywood is that it…?

Emotions running about with care like hide and seek Up and Down In and out the See Saw Goes Marry Could of Said No --> Marry Could of Said NO

In and Out no…The Merry Go Round Goes Round and Round Round and Round

The Miracle Round Goes Grind and or Hold On No Kids The Virgin Marry Goes no as if Big Bro Rocks. Little Sis Woes

Destination spots of pleasure Unique…Grinds and Releases so Distinct and or Delish

Jubilation of High Spirits Simply Enjoy Pastime of Moving Chatter Ping that moves Action Ting Ting Ting…..Dam Noah was Brave started a Pool Trend

Continue to Seek fulfillment and Esteem Improvement Progress H20 Quality Qualify Qualitative Her Improvement I Love H2O

Pure Freely Love Express the Purer Controlled Control Near and or Neatness the Purest Joys of Play…rrr…Joyous rrr Feelings

Beams of Euphoric Light Streams Natural Steam Dream Dreams…Ughs….DDD’s Ughhsss…Um Gush Gums Gush Ummm Gum

the Hold and Grind Leads to the Momma Grind Gush Adrenaline Crush Maker…Adrenaline Backbone Breaker and or make her…

Country Aussie World International on Best Behavior in a lifetime, may it remain and or Retain this way…Retention

“The Nature of the Purest Stimulation to the or a Beach is Calling Lifeguard on Duty Crossing Heaven's Doors Little Footsteps of Pure Positive….”and or Delish

Christian Hollywood what is it…? To Grin and Know what is Best…like Footsteps of Positive Motion and or Direction…

Spiritual maturity isn’t measured by how high you jump in praise but how straight you walk in obedience

Author’s Comments

Sex outside the bible is or maybe the world's most understood language.

~ Charlie Daniels (Born: July 9, 1972 --- ) Pg.15 #34


Love is a taste of paradise. Let love be the foundation for everything you think, say, or do.

-Sholem Aleichen & Bruce Van Horn


“Action is the foundational key to all success.”

--Pablo Picasso (born 1881---1973)


Opportunity is everybody’s. Ethical competition in a team system delivers the better results. The best positive fundamentals applied to life produces the best results…

~ Ala’al Din meaning “Excellence of Faith” (Born: July 9, 1972) #12 Pg.15


Commitment is a Witness. If you want to live faithfully, practice your commitment to Christ both privately and publicly. Don’t look where you fell, look where you slipped.

~Charles Stanley & Susan Dolan Proverb



Hot Heat Echo Save Grace for Marriage Point Recipe #12 : The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer. — Oliver Wendell Holmes


Heart Promise Friendship Words of Wisdom Quality Point Recipe #10: There are 3 things in life that should never be broken... hearts, promises & friendships.


Chicken Soup for the Soul Female Devotional for who…? A memory of true love is like a favorite song; no matter how many times it plays again, you never get tired of it.


Epigram Element Quote Recipe #11: Mile by mile, life's a trail, yard by yard, it's not so hard. Inch by inch, it's a cinch. ~ Nursery Rhyme Proverb Horizon Perspective


Should I call in the morning or just nudge you…?

~ Table Talk Dinner Line the best of Friendships and or Responses makes Good Marriage


If my heart, was a house you would be my happy home. Love is sunshine with a smile and any kind of creative that is more than much to do about something with the heart or the heart of a lover or lovers… Thank God when he says, “Yes” Thank God when he says, “No” Thank God when he Says, “Wait.” ~ Quality Love is Enlightenment Love the Purest Aqua in Water of more than a Love Element Substance H2O Atomic Line in All Things Give Thanks…


Mazzy Star ~ “Fade into you”



Page 372



Word Play

Quincy Jones aka Quick Jay Que Notes See Bio #47 Segment Info


Secretly admiring the wisdom of the infinite

Starring at the shadows of my own images

Conspiring What Seems to be a definite

Conception for Accepting my Thoughts are Limitless

Unlimited Abstract, half sober, hypochondriac of or to Wonder…

When Life’s Over that’s that but why should I Ponder and or Wonder…be Glad of Life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play

The End of My Repertoire Reputation like Rain a Calling…you are short of nothing my Everything…Everything is in Motion. Everything Flows. Everything is Vibrating.You are everything I think about, everything I want. Tell me are you Prepared to Follow or are you Prepared to Lead…..Persevere and you will succeed.

Reveling Riveting Ravishing Music Play Maintain Loveable Gain As if Rivers of Green Organic Bail and or Tuesday Takeover…Nature Calls.....

Internally and Outwardly combusting talent and or chemistry into Soulful Beauty Amaze Amazing Language that Connects

“Word Play” Truly Autonomous Song Souls that Hymn Musical Psalms Composition Authenticity Praise Requiem Request Creative Keepsake Lifeway Treasure Bailout....

Synonymous with No One the Design of Love Government Politics No Game it Shouldn’t be to Delegate Authority

Kind of on….. My Own Pedestal…The Penetrating Long Lasting Inspiring Romance Motivating Romantic Love

To Encourage the Purest Pure H20 Language Aqua Pure Love and or the Flame…How and or Why….

Always believe that something wonderful is going to happen. Even with all the ups & downs, never take a day for granted. Smile, cherish the little things & remember to hug the ones you love.

Mind and Word Play in a Zone Incredible Food for thoughts and Tangible Soulfully Edible

Believe in yourself. Love your life with all your soul. Never give up on your dreams or goals.

Giving you a Perpetual Neediness of whatever you need or want that when or if or when you can or can’t let go

You better know this… “Word Play”…

God Winks God’s generosity knows no bound

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. {James 1:17} Have you ever found yourself wishing, “If God would just SHOW ME A SIGN . . .” you would know what to do or whether or not you’re headed in the right direction? Haven’t we all? Just once, wouldn’t it be nice to look up and see writing in the sky? Though answers rarely come as a flashing neon sign — call me crazy — sometimes I sense God’s favor in what others may dismiss as coincidence. ...

Maybe nothing as dramatic as a thunder clap or lightning strike or a rainbow sent right to your front yard, but a kind of mini-miracle that speaks right to the heart of whatever is going on in your life . . . right . . . now. It helps to hold tight to what we’re promised in scripture: God has gifted us with not some, but every, spiritual blessing. In the passage from Ephesians 1, we learn that in Christ, we are chosen, holy, blameless, family, receivers of grace, redeemed, forgiven, and sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. God’s generosity knows no bound.

You’re gonna show up and Kiss me, pull me in, hold me tight, love me and carry me away….to no End and or Word Play Delight


Author’s Comments

It’s easy to get next to music theory, especially between your peers and music classes and so forth. You just pay attention. I had a good ear.

~ 47 Quincy Jones, Musical Composer & Writer Genius


You go back to those films of the 1940’s and 1950’s and hear the dialogue, the way the people played off each other, the wordplay. I think we’ve really lost that in movies.

~ Olive Owen (Born: October 3, 1964 )


When in doubt, tell the truth, wit and wisdom overcomes other rules of thumb like when indecisiveness suggests a subcommittee to be appointed.

~ Nickname Emerson (Born: July 9, 1972 ) Pg.17 #56


Never play cards with a man called Doc. Never eat at a place called Mom’s. Never sleep with a woman whose troubles are worse than your own.

-- Nelson Algren (born March 28, 1909---May 9, 1981) American Writer



Enlightenment Understanding Quality Love Value Mind Body Spirit Health Perk Element 8: “The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image but the image of God. - Thomas Merton Revised


Clarification Good Positive Habit Point: In every person who comes near you look for what is good and strong; honor that; try to imitate it, and your faults will drop off like dead leaves when their time comes. — John Ruskin (1819-1900) English Art Critic


Love Words of Wisdom Home Point: Love begins at home, and it is not how much we do...but how much love we put in that action. --Mother Teresa #41 Pg.1487


If, beauty and love was a drop of water you would be my Ocean…If, you got or get wet it would be like are you the Chosen One for Good Activity Property Brother Independence Tracker her New Orleans Family Faith and Values…Be yourself and always be yourself even when you need Assistance…?

~ Perplex Them and Let them Sleep On it Line He became the Sun. She became the Moon.


Long Time Barn Roots Rally Bam Bam Girlie Girl wet water goes splash resilience is key Lets Go prove yourself Savings make Good Intentions sometimes it just depends on the Joys within and or the temperature of your nature and or the heat of evaporation…to find or make your happiness.... ~ Push Pull Pick-up Line Name: The Human Omnipotent Understanding Tact of Subtle Country Nature Educated Anointed Maneuvers a Natural Humor Quality Wit (Born: July 9, 1972) #78 Pg.17


Listen to Music Selection The Sounds of Music Motion Pictures Soundtrack “Do Re Mi”



Page 373





But I will write of him or her who more than fights

Repent and Vanquish their sins

It calls for something more than brawn

Or muscle, to o’er’come

But truth will place names among The bravest of the brave

I would be true, for there are those who care

I would be brave, for there is much to dare

I would be humble, for I know my weakness

If your heart is in your dream, no request is too extreme. When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do so you are….Your heart is a lighthouse in the storm....

This a lesson you should take and take heed

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.

Try and try to succeed with tactful humor communication the or a permanent Love Quality Relation

"The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers. But above all, the world needs dreamers who do."

Author’s Comments

The concessions of the weak are the concessions of fear… -- Edmund Burke (1729–1797)

Leadership 21 ways to be a Better Leader:

Manage your emotions. Develop your skills. Become a great communicator. Admit when you are wrong. Learn how to spot talent. Be part of the team Together Everyone Achieves More. Give credit where it’s due. Be a mentor, not a preacher. Invest in people. Give freedom and be flexible in whatever way is best. Be quick to praise when work is well done. Bond with your team. Get out of your office be available and accessible it's a win win. Give the benefit of doubt. Don’t micromanage. Have fun. Recognize the gifts of your people. Hold people accountable. Give trust to earn trust. Show compassion and care. Lead with love.


To fulfill a dream, to be allowed to sweat over lonely labor, to be given a chance to create, is the meat and potatoes of life. The money is the gravy.— Bette Davis American Actress (1908—1989)

the distance between dreams and reality is action.....


Watch your manner of speech, if you wish to develop a peaceful state of mind. Start each day by affirming peaceful, contented and happy attitudes and your days will tend to be pleasant and successful.

-- Norman Vincent Peale Author, Motivational Speaker (born May 3, 1898—December 24, 1993) Pg.1486 #37


The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people.

-- Woodrow Wilson 28 President of the United States (born December 28, 1822—February 3, 1903 )

Prayer to the Mighty: Mighty We stand! Allow us to blossom and emerge mighty; standing strong, ready to win any battles thrown our way. Grant us strength to carry on and move forward into victory. May we walk on the raging waters and dance in the pouring rain, for the battle is already won and we shall overcome!


Charm is a way of getting the answer yes without asking a clear question. You are the message make it meaningful....

--Albert Camus Author, Philosopher Nobel Peace Prize 1957 (born November 7, 1913—January 4, 1960 ) Revised


Aim for the stars that way the lowest you will hit is the moon.

~ Success Loves Success Aphorism



Old School Comedy Humor Break Point Element #9: One can be a soldier without dying, and a lover without sighing. —Sir Edwin Arnold 1832-1904, British Poet, Journalist "The secret to living well and longer is: eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure." -- Tibetan Proverb


MOTTO to Live by Element Icing Point #11: Perseverance is not along race: It is many short races, one after another. —Walter Elliot Perseverance Quote From the Book “212 Degree”


All the World Needs is Love Poetic Point Recipe #12: For a crowd is not company; and faces are but a gallery of pictures; and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love. --Francis Bacon ( 1561-1626), British Philosopher, Essayist, Statesman


Nobody knows what they want until they get it and like what they get…Counter Strike Pursuit of Goodness Are you a Good Kisser…? I want to rate your pursuit of God and purpose. This is my first time doing this… a helping hand is a helping heart. When you’re faced with a crucial decision and you want to do God’s best, what do you do? Learn how to find the Lord’s viewpoint or God’s Viewpoint, which will always lead you to the right solution for your circumstance or problem.

~ Heard it Throw the Grape Vine Line Person of your dreams line in Touch Ministries


Let us always meet each other with a smile for a smile it is the beginning of a always caring type of love that pervades measure and or circumstance in time and or Non Existence… Don’t give up what you want most, for what you want now…..Your life will never improve unless you start making daily improvement… the world the human mind and body is like a computer what you put in is what you will get out…in the Spirit world my money should be on God’s money every spending decision I make should be a spiritual decision….

#41 Mother Teresa Love Smile Meet and Greet Line


Listen to music selection Tina Turner “Simply the Best”



Page 374



The Art of Winning


I done and did look and love a while Then I learn a life lesson

Love is not wondering how long it will last, but how beautiful it grows.

‘Twas but a youthful past of my life time

Better to re-event than to look like love is sufficient upon discovery or adventure Karma is Real.....

Learn to Learn and Learn to Love Learning.

"It is impossible to win the great prizes in life without running risks."

I sighed and then I wished all to ease

After my reset…I have the will with the power to succeed.......Pragmatically

However Good or Bad a situation is, it will change…..Be Authentic. Be Kind. Be a Blessing.

"Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat."


Sighs, which do heat, impart Enough to melt the coldest ice,

Brave Enough to Stand move forward Winning can stimulate Trust and Truth in the or a prospective potential gratitude heart

Some Love Competition to those who Love the Art of Competition…

Oh, would your pity give me my heart One corner of your breast,

‘Twould learn of yours the winning way and or the Art of One and or quickly glide surreptitiously a bargain steal the rest

The Art of Winning Some Love and

Some don’t

But my opinion competition shows your true god innate talents…

But it is never worth all or nothing in life that is not Stealth and or a or the Solution Smart.......


Author’s Comments

Better make a weak man your enemy than your friend. -- Josh Billing (born 1818–1885)


That which does not kill you makes you stronger.

-- Nietzsche (born October 15, 1844—August 25, 1900)


Words are of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.

-- Rudyard Kipling Nobel Peace Prize 1907

(Born 1865--- Passed January 18, 1935 ) Pg.1484 #28


Outside show is a poor substitute for inner worth.

----Ancient Greece Aesop Slave/Storyteller of Fables (born 620—560 B.C.)


Winning isn’t everything, but the will to win is everything.” -- Vince Lombardi #45 Pg.1487



Fun Motivational Fact Word of the Day Recipe #6: INTENERATE (in-TEN-uh-RATE) Transitive. Verb–to make tender or sensitive, to soften. Use it in Creative sentence.


Tactful Humor Clarification Point Element #13: Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. -Martin Luther King Jr. #48 Pg. 1487


Beauty Grows Love Words of Wisdom Element #10: Love is not wondering how long it will last, but how beautiful it grows.


Hi my name is Change… I Could be Your Choice…your awe loving role play character...Teamwork makes the dream work; leadership and integrity.

~ The Art of Winning Line Introduction to Conversation Insight


I got the breast stroke butterfly melody backstroke down. I am a Quality value Freestyle not only Playing for Keeps. A girl's favorite songs will tell you more about how she feels than her lips ever will. ~ Rachel RayTasty Travels Network Line C #320 C Perfect Marriage Forever and Always and All Time Happiness


Listen to music selection by Boni Joni “I’ll be there for you”


Page 375



Lothario Reverie Could be a Reverdie Poem Explanation on Pg. 1543 #71


When all is all and nothing is nothing


Passion and love guides me…

Yes…She looks like the Night Sky Fully Lit

When all is gone and nothing comes

Captivating sexy lips hypnotic eyes Spring Nature

Mesmerizing as well as sensuous

Every thought the slightest touch


Unbeknownst a heavenly creature

When all is wrong as well as pleasing

Perfection driven sometimes appeasing

Crazy it maybe…However

When nothing else matters

That very thought completes me…

I am seeking the truth and success

With the Best Quality Love…and or Spring Nature that Loves the Sent of a woman Reverie and or French Reverdie Rebound Wheel and or Everlasting Love

Abundance is something that can be acquired. Love is something that is desired.


Author’s Comments

The weak can never forgive…Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong…

--Mohandas Karamahand [Mahatma Gandhi] (1869–1948) Pg.1485 #29


We must stick together and be together or perish like fools.

-Princess Amunh of Andia, France (Born: ? )


Courage to start and willing to keep everlasting at it are the requisites for success.

- Nicole Patrick Country Female Vocalist ( Born: ? ) Courtly Country #...?


There are many ways to measure success, the way a child describes happiness, together, we can do anything we want to do, If we stick to it long enough. I dream, therefore, I become. I live in my imagination, live in yours.

~ Judge Marilyn Milian (Born: May 1, 1961 ) 719 # Miracle First Time Tactful Humor Water H20 Relgion


Abundance is something that can be acquired. Love is something that is desired.

~ 870 Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (Born: July 15, 1952 )



Holistic Healing Lifestyle Guide Natural Nature Sanskirt Wheel Health Information The Human Chakra System 88,000 Spiritual Energy Power Points Healers Element #4: The throat chakra, also known as the fifth chakra, is associated with the color sky-blue. This chakra is our voice center. It is through our spoken word that we express ourselves to others. The healthfulness of this chakra is signified by how openly and honestly a person expresses himself or herself.


Selective Humor Certain Educated Tactful Comedy Recipe #9: Negligent: (adj.) absentmindedly answering the door when wearing only a nightgown.


Love Romantic Sparks Inspiration Encouragement Point: Love is like pi — natural, rational, and very important. - Lisa Hoffman Revised


“You have a choice each and every single day. I choose to feel blessed. I choose to feel grateful. I choose to be excited. I choose to be thankful. I choose to be happy.”

~ Amber Housley line of a Say what you just have to do with Time


Don’t Judge a Book by a Movie A stumbling block to the pessimist is a stepping stone to the Optimist…. ~ Woody Paige 830 Sport Analyzer Line


Listen to music selection Jerry Maguire Soundtrack Bruce Springsteen “Secret Garden”



Page 376 is Page 385



Seventh Heaven


The mind what a wondrous creation

Able to create without any hesitation

The imagination

A place of no boundaries with perception and or Depth


Able to deal with this or that with some Sound Meditation and or Dictation Leadership And a little contemplation But be careful of speculations

When you are in a relation

However your situation

Whatever it maybe

The mind is sacred

Experience everlasting deliberation

Where all creativity begins





Leads to creation

We have a wonderful tool - imagination - that can help us live happier lives. Unleash its power and you will be amazed at what you accomplish!


Author’s Comments

If you’re strong enough, there are no precedents.

Francis Scott Key (born 1896–1940)


Being busy does not always mean real work. The object to all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be fore thought, system planning, intelligence, honest, purpose, as well as perspiration, seeming to do is nothing. Believe in yourself. Love your life with all your soul. Never give up on your dreams or goals. ~ Heaven Work Psalm


The only person who cannot be help is the one who blames others.

Carl Rogers (born 1902---1987)


I want to squeeze ever last drop out of life, but I’m only interested in more time if it can be filled with meaning, joy, creative thinking. In other words, I like to hang onto to my energy and focus for as long as humanly possible and then some. ~ Oprah Winfrey (Born: January 29, 1954 ) Christian CC Country Christian Past Rooted Country Billionaire CC #229 & #1145


Compromising is not always giving in but more important discovering something new about yourself that is useful toward humanity. ~ Comprising Humanity Proverb



Creativity is Visual Sometimes Humor Check-up Comedy Takeover #9: Answering Machine Recording: “You have reached the breast self-examination hot line. Please press 1 now.......Now press the other one.” It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your Life. ~ Philippians 4:7 the Message


Enlightenment Love Understanding Quality Education & Pure Peace Motivation Inspiration Encouragement Value Positive Shakespeare Stimulus #8: Where there is error, may we bring truth. Where there is doubt, may we bring hope...~ Saint Francis of Assisi Courtly Spiritual #130 in the Front


Money Love Words of Wisdom #10: Let us more and more insist on raising funds of love, of kindness, of understanding, of peace. Money will come if we seek first the Kingdom of God-the rest will be given. -- Mother Teresa #41 Page 1487


I ask you for your light and positive sight, you lit my fire…

~ To Be Humorous Line


In Case you were wondering, you are like a sunset to a Rose...

~ Line 4 who…?


Humor Says Funny Feel Good Song Listen to it by Captain Jack

“Iko Iko Talkin bout Hey now Hey now I-Koko un-day Jack-a-mofee-no-aina-ne”



Page 377 is Page 386



Game Over---Derek Anderson #24 University of Kentucky Player (1995-1997) The Untouchables 1996


A winding twisting road to wisdom

A rivers stream of purity and freedom

The beauty of a pleasant dreams peaceful domain in a kingdom

The road leads The River does too


Dreams to Make and Love to Come True

Life’s Choices are for us to make

So Now Friends Partake….

What dreams of yours will you make come true….?

Accept what is, let go of what was and have faith in what could be.

You've got to start talking like you're blessed, thinking like you're blessed. That's what activates the blessing.

Live without pretending, Love without depending, Listen without defending, Speak without offending.

When you focus of problems, you'll have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.


Authors’ Comments

If you won’t to be better tomorrow than you were today, what need have you for tomorrow?

- Reb Nakhman of Bratslov


I can last two months on a good compliment.

-- Mark Twain (born November 3, 1835—April 21, 1910) #35 Pg.1484


When your heart speaks, take good notes.

-- Judith Campbell (born January 11, 1934—September 25, 1999)


An inexhaustible good nature is one of the most precious gifts of heaven, spreading itself like oil over the troubled sea of thought, and keeping the mind smooth and equable in the roughest weather. -- Washington Irving (born April 3, 1783—November 28, 1859)


In excellent minds there are always some frivolous quality which have wings to rise and attitude to lead. *** XY Star General Full Bird Lower Half Rear Admiral Rear Admiral Brigadier Major General Full Bird 5 Star Bradley Aristotle Napoleon Stonewall Barca Rommel Genghis Attila Scipio Patton Africanus Churchill ( Born: July 9, 1972) #55 Pg.17



My Anti-Aging Longevity Lifestyle Recipe Dish for Holistic Living Youthful Aging Stimulus: Turkey Kibbeh, a seasoned lamb and bulgur mixture, is one of the national dishes of Lebanon. It's often served raw, drizzled with olive oil, with slices of sharp white onion with fresh pita bread. Turkey Kibbeh best choice for health is when it is baked or stuffed. This baked version uses lean ground turkey to cut fat and finely shredded zucchini to keep it moist while baking. Make it a meal: serve with toasted pita bread and a salad tossed with a lemon vinaigrette.


Disney Fairy tale Humor Truism: I’m so rumbly in my tummy. Time for something sweet. – Winnie the Pooh Disney Movie


Love is Love Words of Wisdom Tactful Humor Point Recipe #9: Young Love is a flame; Very pretty, often very hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. The love of the older and disciplined heart is as coals, deep-burning, unquenchable. — Henry Ward Beecher 1813-1887, American Preacher, Orator, Writer


Life is no game people die in the game of life…I don’t want to play no games. However Babe, if you want to wear me like a pair of badminton horse trail sunglasses, one Leg over another and or over each ear, that’s a decision, a determining factor like liter fluid a bedroom Choice of a Game...

~ What ya Wife Like Line


What’s up cupcake are you missing the icing and or Temperature of Nature.…

~ Line 4 Who a Question…?


Listen to music selection by Jennifer Love Hewitt “How do I deal”



Page 378 is Page 387



Family Times Nourishment and Some Peoples Hope of Success

To all who did not have money, or need money, the need of love from family & families

Lorrie Morgan “Female Country Music Vocalist “Hot Red Lips Candy Red Cherry” 1959 Chevy…


Country times and family tradition best ties and prime time Sunrise in Paradise tough as nails ready as hooks.....

May the circle never be unbroken best time family time

When we come together and tell stories

Like the time Aunt Emma saw Uncle Frank testify Present and Past Inventories disciples of faith....


We taught he was so lucky

Everybody hoped he’ll win

The Lotto Someday like Cousin Bucky and or Becky you got ability Benjamin's that Speak

We all had some outstanding bills to pay within a spin take it on the chin Graduate


These times dealt can be so far apart and or away

It breaks my Cousin Viola’s Heart Brick by Brick the State and or Condition of the Hereafter of Suffering......

After all depart stupid verdict of spinning your hard earned money bestow quality impart

Apart hard times, Best times are Timeless Heart & Soul triumphs that overflow with family times that enlarge friendship quality art.....

We ain’t got no money but we got a lot of love…


Author’s Comments

The task of a man or woman’s breeding is how, they behave in a quarrel.

~ George Bernard Shaw (born 1856 --1950)


~ 183 Lee Ann Womack Country Female Singer (C.D.) I hope You…Dance---2000 MCA

Never follow the path of less resistance because of fear. Don’t fear the mountain in the distance. (Born: August 19, 1966 )


The way to learn people is through the heart not as much by the eye or intellect.

Book—“Pray for a Cure Bible”--- (1970) Index 2 Book Reference List is On Pg.1518


Rules of conversation be clever understand history our lives begin to end the day we become silent with the things that matter. ~ Philosopher Aphorist Epigrammatist Sage Saint Bernard the Humorist #64 (Born: July 9, 1972) is on Pg.17


The Gift of a listening heart give thy ear but fuels thy voice of thy heart.

~ Coach Billy Donovan (Born: May 30, 1965) #469 



Tactful Humor Checkpoint #9: Why are there flotation devices under plane seats instead of parachutes & Floating devices…?


Quality Love Essence Clarification Love Eternal Romance Point Recipe #12: Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence. ~ Vincent Van Gogh 1853-1890, Dutch Painter


Disney Life Fairy tale Heart Love Truism Recipe #15: Where the dream takes you. Where your heart longs to be. When you finally found that place. You’ll find all you need. ~ Atlantis


We could be more than just amazing. ~ Love Romance Money Magic Line


For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it. ~ Line 4 Who…?


The Band Perry “Better Dig Two”



Page 379 is Page 388



Guess Who


We shall overcome…I’ve been to the mountain top…

Mine eyes have seen true love and purpose…

Something is happening in our world. And you know…

If I were standing at the beginning of time, With the possibility of taking a kind of general and panoramic view of the whole,

Human history up to now and the Almighty

Said to me, Bernard which age would you like to live in…?

I would take wisdom mental flight by spirit toward the Hollywood Ending Promise Land get your house in Order the Coming of the Lord his Love Endures

By the Handle of Positive Heart.

Now the Time is Now

What does all of this mean in this great period of history…?

It means that we’ve Got to stay together we’ve got to stay together we’ve got to stay together

And transcend…Dr. Martin Luther King

Guaranteed Satisfaction

The Humble PH.D

Poor, Hungry, & Driven

What can be done about it…?


Author’s Comments’

Injustice anywhere is a threat. To justice everywhere.

--Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (born January 15, 1929—April 4, 1968) #48 Pg.1488


Together starting today, let us finish the work that needs to be done, and usher in a new birth of freedom on this earth.

~ President Barak Obama (Born: 8/4/1961 ) AND First Lady Michelle Obama (Born: 1/17/1964 )


This the business of little minds to shrinks, but he wishes heart is firm and whose conscience approve his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death.

--British/American Writer Thomas Paine (1737-1809)


Your choice of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you do, do it with your heart, mind, soul...

~ Aretha Franklin Queen of Soul Music (Born: March 25, 1942 )


“In order to win, you must expect to win.” ~ Affirmation Positive Success Declaration Quote



My Anti-Aging Longevity Living Holistic Lifestyle Preventative Maintenance Youthful Aging Health Doc Information Tip Recipe #4: Iron in your Diet with What you need to know: Iron is an essential mineral that carries oxygen in the blood. If, you're taken iron supplements or consuming iron rich foods, take or eat them separately from calcium, tea, coffee or milk. Calcium, as well as certain components in coffee and tea known as tannins, compete with iron for absorption and can block up to 80% of the iron from the food or supplement you‘ve taken. Drinking orange juice or citrus fruit juice with lots of vitamin C is the best way to get maximum absorption from iron supplements or iron rich foods.


Present Model Comedy Humor Times can be Hard Checkpoint #9: I don’t have a boyfriend right now. I’m looking for anyone with a job that I don’t have to support. — Anna Nicole Smith American Model (b 1967-d 2007)


Latin Lover Marriage Relationship Clarification Element Love Point #13: A man is not where he lives, but where he loves. — Latin Proverb


I made a list of things, I love about you and it is never ending…

~ Heaven of a Soul Soulmate Line


Excellent Lover Original...ELO... Exceeding Love Origins living in the South Pacific Southern Ocean Did you Know...? He shall give His Angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up. ~Psalm 91:11 #Promise

~ New Zealand Line Wellington Christ Church Stewart One South C Three Kings North C Did you Know


Donald Lawrence ~ The Best is yet to Come



Page 380 is 389



Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King


The mind is a terrible thing to waste.

The truth will set you free take heave to these lessons.

Dr. Martin Luther King began his doctoral work at Boston University Theology School.

We are dealing with Reliable Sources…


Somewhere I read with of the freedom of assembly.

Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech.

Somewhere I read of the freedom of press.

Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for right.

The Constitution of the United States gives these equalities and freedoms

With hope to spread understanding between people.

And so, just as I say we aren’t going to let injustice

Turn us around

We aren’t going to let injunction turn us around

We are Going to Transcend and Exceed Exceptional Standard

We must stay determined and excel


Author’ Comments

Applause is the spur of noble minds the end and aim of weak ones.

-- Charles Caleb Coltor (born 1780–1832)


During the movement, they called them citizenship programs people were actually taught the skills of non-violence.

~ Yolanda Denise King Daughter of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King (born November 17, 1955---May 15, 2007)


Having lost my father and grandmother to gun violence, I will understand the deep hurt and anger felt by the loved ones of those who have murdered. Yet, I can’t accept the judgment that killers deserve to be executed. This merely perpetuates the tragic, unending cycle of violence that destroys our hope for a decent society.

~ Rev. Bernice King Daughter of Rev Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Life too precious to waste-to spend on anything but best.

~ Dexter Scott King Son of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1961- )


The Chain reaction of Evil-Wars producing more wars.

~ Martin Luther King III Son of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (1957- )


“You are never given a dream without also being given

the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however.”

~ Dream Destination Truth Quote


Faber: Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence or learning.



Tactful Comedy Lesson Humor The Art of Communication Checkpoint #9: There are so many people who have lived and died before you. You will never have a new problem. Somebody wrote the answer down in a book somewhere.” ~ Will Smith #853


Hey Apply it Words of Wisdom Element #10: Listen! Encourage. Say something. Do something. Be yourself. Love. - Rev. Dale Turner American Minister


Disney Fairytale Truism Recipe #15: A man should never neglect his family for business. ~ Walt Disney #39 Pg. 1486 Walt Disney (born December 5, 1901 – December 15, 1966)


Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for. ~ Joseph Addison Line


Geography is important as much as love is necessary...

~ Australian Line South West C Perth Gulf of Bight Between South East C King One Melbourne Newcastle Sydney Can-a-berra, The Kangaroo Australia Cooktown North East C Great Barrier Reef Naked Coral Sea


If you've seen the movie “Selma,” you know that one of Martin Luther King Jr.'s favorite gospel songs was “Take My Hand, Precious Lord” by Thomas A. Dorsey. The late Mahalia Jackson sang it at King's funeral in Atlanta in 1968.



Page 381



Cole Porter


Known as a Genius in the Musical world during the 20’ & 30’s

However…understanding the Pyramid’s

Hierarchy of needs

Maslow at his best

Biologically the natural way of things in the eyes of God…

If you study

Religion God Created Man and Woman

For child reproduction for the succession of future generations


Why did God not create?

Female and female to reproduce

Or Male and Male to reproduce


God must of created Adam and Eve for a reason Man and Woman for a reason


God wants the human race to live on through eternity

If we just get along in a peaceful logical manner…with great principles and purpose


Author’s Comments

Reading makes a full man, Conference a ready man and Writing a exact man…

--Sir Francis Bacon English Philosopher, Statesman, Essayist (born January 22, 1561—April 9, 1626)


The next best thing to being witty one’s self is to be able to quote self. Next to being witty, the best thing is being able to quote another‘s wit.

--Lawyer Christian Nestell Bovee (1820—1904) #23 Pg.1483

***1857 was the source for many popular Epigrammatic sayings…


False friends are like shadows, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant, we cross into the shade. Learning is a never ending process forget the past live in present and move on into the positive righteous future.

Actress/Host Ellen DeGeneres (Born: 1/26/1958) Bio Courtly 1026


A faithful righteous friend is a strong defense or offense; and he or she that hath found him or her or it hath found a treasure. ~ Virtue of Justice Psalm


Mind unemployed is mind un-enjoyed.

American Author #23 Christian Nestell Bovee (Born: 1820—1904) Line Item Bio is on Pg.1483 #23


“The more I or you want to get something done, the less I call it work.”~ Love Purpose Psalm



Heart Beauty Love Clarification Point:: A heart in love with beauty never grows old. ~ Turkish Proverb


Disney Fairy tale Life Daily Living Truism: Disneyland is a show. Disneyland is a work of love. We didn’t go into Disneyland just with the idea of making money. Disneyland is the star, everything else is in the supporting role. Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow as long as there is imagination left in the world. ~ Walt Disney #39 Pg.1486


Where should one use perfume….? A young woman asked…Wherever one wants to be kissed “I said”

#34 Coco Chanel Question Reply Line Pg. 1485


Theory of true civilization. It does not consist in gas or steam or turn-tables. It consists in the diminution of Original Sin... - Charles Baudelaire Intimate Journals: My Heart Laid Bare more than a Oh Line


Page 382



Coach Herb Sendek #470


An intellectual Pin-up is He…

4.0 College Student was He…

Part of a Extended Family is or was He…

Great Memories Seem to Last a Life-time and Technology Beyond Him and or me…Battle Cry

The use of communication can excite or break down and or build-up.


To Be a Terrific Person with a Vision….and or a mission

Ambition which is met with precision

Herb Sendek for governor and or president MIT PH.D not the Sports Deity

He is a Leading Man Resident no Need to be just a Precedent


To Be a Terrific Person with a Vision….and or mission the use of communication can excite and or break down and or build-up.


Maybe The Thigh of Knowledge in the House of Intellect the SEC Coach NCAA by Way and to Santa Clara University a Private Jesuit University for the Greater Glory of God a Living English Motto….

NASDAQ Nibbler The Index 500 Fortune Favors Fundamentals needs need needs Never Neglects

Herb Sendek Coach What all does it Take for Success…?

To Pay Dues to who Herb is and or was with the Best…

If Pea Piper Piping Pecks Picks to be a Major League Luminous Luminary Lodge Log a or the Orders Right Directional Theta in War Hand

He never had 1991 Stacy Peck Daddy Full Bird Major in Glorious Nature United States Air Force nor NASA Plyometrics Poly Sci Plutonic Platonics in Hand

Straight Hustle Mood all day everyday Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every new year find you a better man.

The 1992 Wildcat in a Perfect Society Epigram or Aphorism to be a Epigrammatist or Aphorist

Coach Sendek Could be a Rocket Scientist not the Administration nor the Deity…

However…He is Living his Purpose Don’t Digress the Nation of Quality Love Daily Improvement Exceed Exceptional Enchantment…

Need a lot of Natural and or Country Organic Exercise and or in my Imagination Water Sweat Nutritional Sports Recipe Nations 212 Degrees Love and Nutrition…

Hydrogen Oxygen Water Need My Fahrenheit Need my Celsius to more than Boil Sometimes a Purifying Effect that Affect Longevity Long Lasting Youthful Aging Living and Resveratrol Lifestyle…

Fahrenheit 451 Everything melts at this Point fahrenheit to celsius Celsius to Fahrenheit

Molding Boys into Men Reflection Clarify Summarize Digest

Reflect Learn and Move on…with Tactful Humor and Communication the Virtue of Courage and or Quality Love

Everything Breaks down at Some Point like a First Love Never to Return Nor Gain Simplicity for Some like all my Childhood Love was Riding on it Battle Cry


Author’s Comments

The use of communication can excite or break down and build-up.

~ Shopenhaur II The Wise Clever Excellent Faithful the Truest Guarantee (Born: July 9, 1972 ) #32 Pg.15


The woman that can create her on job is the woman who will win fame and fortune. The effect of having other interest beyond those domestic works well. The more one is able to do, and the more genuine maybe one’s appreciation of fundamental, things like home, and love and understanding championship. Adventure is worthwhile. --Amelia Earhart (Born: July 24, 1897—July 2, 1937)


Everyone is entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts.

Rep. Tom Price (Georgia 6 District )


Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.~ Ephesians 4:29(NIV)


He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had tried and failed. - Frederick W. Faber



My Anti-Aging Doc Health Tip Multifaceted Memory Protection Positive Thinking: Okay, positive thinking is no guarantee against memory problems — but a positive attitude is always a healthier choice.


True Humane Civilized Tactful Humor Socialization Love Clarification Point: When we cannot get what we love, we must love what is within our reach. ~ French Proverb


Disney Real Love Life True Fairy tales All Positive Dreams come true with Consistent Positive Virtue Love Action Truism: A dream is a wish your heart makes when you’re fast asleep. In dreams you will lose your heartaches. Whatever you wish for, you keep. Have faith in your dreams, and someday, your rainbow will come smiling through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dream that you wish will come true.” ~ Cinderella Disney Movie


Honey, Always Remember it is not what we got or where we start it is where we finish…

~ Life is Marathon Line and Humor


I am like Betty Crocker baking and seeing all Angles to a close going in a 100% Positive Banking Direction… ~ Sarah Lee Aunt Jemima Miss Butterworth Heidi Couch Courtly #340 not only a food Line


Britney Spears Say my Name Sing my Song Say I need what needs need and the best Quality Love and What needs need is Perfection“3”



Page 385



The Passionate Wiseman


Do you want to live together and be my love?

And we will see all the pleasure proof

We could sit upon Rocks and Roofs

Passion make us...

Drift through the hills and valleys dales and fields

Do you want to live together and be my love…

If simple pleasures move thee…

‘I will make thee beds of roses…

To walk and pass our long love days…

The eyes on thy forehead gazed into mine…as far as the day could see and the Night could be

I see and hear one thing but understand two…

Now lets be caring souls and tend to each other's needs,

With eternal love on our side so soft, yet so calm

Yet, so passionately

I love thee to the depth and breath and height

My soul can reach to only have us in sight

The subtleness and wisdom of communication with the ability to teach

How to be Wise Yet Love So Tenderly

Author’s Comments

Truly persistent people never give in to mental or physical fatigue.

--Vince Lombardi #45 Pg. 1487 Green Bay Packer Head Football Coach NFL’s Greatest All-Time Winnest Coach…?


Wise-men say, only fools rush in. But, I can’t help falling in. Back then in our classes distracted between bikini line blonde was my favorite foreplay and or color but always a gentlemen. I thought you was playing a game with me. Barn yard fruits Southern Bell virtues. Gentleman caller, however so sweet, was I shy...? However, flirtation and tease never got the best of me, I could always handle it. The Ones that Always make you smile, laugh, and feel safe are the cute wise charming loving ones, permeable confident attitudes permissive action granted. Sometimes, if not all the time, soft encouraging positive guiding words of how to love, anyway and can influence the toughest and or coldest Heart. Romantic thoughts and words will and or can make you romantic, if you need Romance, fill your heart with some… “Amy Lee Mississippi Southern Queen Ole Miss Football Warrior Rebel…” Cheerleader Lead and Read…Can’t Wait like Jessie James Poor Poor Pitful me Lord have Mercy on me…Calculus Class…”. ~ See 192 Amy Lee 192 Corinth High School Mississippi Homecoming Queen #192 Courtly Christian Slot of a Cheerleader Class of 1990 Home Coming Queen & Carlos Toomer Classmate (1987—1990) Star Basketball Player all College Prep Advance Courses with Them and me Linda Ronstadt DTD Serve a Executive Summation…and or Summary


“Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries with positive energy…”

~ Precious Present Positive Energy Aphorism Quote


Belief is the pathway to real success and self-confidence.

~ Proverb Aphorism Declaration Quote



Female Devotional Diane Dixon #519/ Angie Porter #509/ Rachel Sarah Bilson #346/ Molly Reed #7/ Judi Dench Williams #5 Quality Life Gains Experience and Learning: Fake it until you make it. Act good until you are good. practice confidence until you’re confident, be patient even when it’s killing you, consider yourself interesting until you truly believe you are, and eventually you won’t be faking it anymore-you’ll be living it. ~ Janice Dickinson


Tactful Humor Clarification Social Grace Quality Point Recipe #9: What people don’t realize is that intimacy has its conventions as well as ordinary social intercourse. There are three cardinal rules — don’t take somebody else’s boyfriend unless you’ve been specifically invited to do so, don’t take a drink without being asked, and keep a scrupulous accounting in financial matters. — W. H. Auden American Poet — (Birth 1907- Dead 1973)


Disney Fairy tale Truisms: “Oh, well. What’s a royal ball? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and-and boring, and-and completely... Completely wonderful.””Cats rule and dogs drool" ---Sassy; ~ Homeward Bound” & —Cinderella Disney from Disney Movies


All the sugar and honey in world could not match the sweetness and soothing grace of your Corner of Kitchen Table and or Pitcher of Water Shade and or Property of Sunshine and Your Voice; Suddenly takes my breath away to my break away leaves me with no escape the best kind of deep Caring Kind of Love...

~ If you love them all tell them so Line more just Humor


A Kiss is a seal to the soul at a moment in time with intimacy…

~ C #French 319 Connect the Dots Eva Longeria The Young & The Restless Line


Listen to Shania Twain “She’s not just a Pretty Face”



Page 386





We fly through the gray sky of morning

Two birds or more with the same view

On life, choices and love


Together we land and a nearby tree of life

Enjoying natures beauty

Another challenge


With our wings entwined we are invisible

With our love we are impenetrable

With understanding we can achieve


The cold winds has been shaking

Understanding with will to know

Winning is a art


We embrace and love

Fly on to the tree of life

With the winds through the tree and or Path of life



Author’s Comments

Nature’s art can be eloquently expressed and communicated with a powerful force, seize love through inner beauty and capture the essence of the moment in time. Art is the one place you can keep running away from home without leaving.

~ Poet Lord Royal Country Sky (Born: July 9, 1972 ) #1 Pg.15


The truly religious man does not embrace a religion, and he who embrace one has no religion. True understanding is to embrace all positive literature.

~ 836Kim Mclean Country Female Vocalist Appalachian Angel blessed Heart Blue Mountain Smokey Cherokee Irish Roots

(born April 1, 1961) 836 of a Bio


There is nothing to it. Our task must. Be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living animals and the whole of nature and it’s beauty. ~ Chelsea Musick 644 Passion Family Love“Our Song” a song (Born: June 27, 1993)


Great minds have purposes little minds make wishes…

~ Life of Purpose Proverb



My Anti-Aging Doc Health Tip: Drop fat forever with this creamy food replacement, kick your holiday fat suit to the curb permanently by adding this food to your diet: yogurt.


The Miracle of Love Sweet Romance Clarification Cure Point Element #13: Love is the great miracle cure. Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives. — Louise L. Hay American Metaphysical Teacher, Lecturer, Author


Disney Cool Humor Cool Fairy tale Truism Life is no Game only Real Sports are Games: “Easy peasy, lemon squeezy” - Eddie Lowery; The Greatest Game Every Played Disney Movie


I know you love me, you just don’t know it yet? All you got to do is think real deep and or long before and after Reality Changer… Love so Good I forget Do you got time for song or psalm …Are you hungry…? (Then you Wink) ~ Genuine Sincere Grocery Store Friendship Already Friends Line


The sound of your voice and the noun in your name is my favorite Plural and or Pass Tense not a game.. . ~ Line 4 Who…?


Listen to music selection by Hillsong ~ Our God is an Awesome God



Page 387



 General Collin Powell


Our minds race with desirable ideas & convictions…

Hearts throb press with longing anticipation

Virtues produce values with needed adulation

Be it deed or American creed life is based on transformation’s


Nations on freedoms, Arm!

The international society roars

The United States is on guard to protect our and or all shores.

Globalization is opening up our and your doors

Our founding fathers be somewhere poets with aspiration

Be thankful for their subtle rhythmical intellectual ways appreciation

American strength is that of a mixed heritage

The melting pot the situation

Jesus is the way the truth, the light, and the life of communication

Hearts of murd’rous foes transfix

Be it deed or be it wit

Beneath a tyrants hand you bleed

A civilized society job is to planet thy fertile seed

May words o’erspread

And tyrants from their thrones be hurl’d

Author’s Comments

As a super power it is important to be tactful with communication with though love…

~ Peaceful Proverb


When we won’t consider suggestions, we reject our own potential, but we have a right to expect people to be tactful.

~ Bill Blackman Founder & President of Hearts & Minds Network (Inspiration for the Information Age)


Your thoughts are the architects of your destiny…When a human finds no peace within, prayer and positive guidance positive imagination is the answer.

~ Sigourney Weaver #932 (born October 8, 1946)


In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, something positive is always needed. The worst thing you can do is nothing.”

--Theodore Roosevelt Revised


Mohandas Gandhi: I Suppose Leadership at one time meant muscles; but today it means getting along with people.



Love Mantra Motto Creed: Love makes everything that is heavy light or Simple. -- Thomas p Kempis Revised 1379-1471, German Monk, Mystic, Religious Writer


Tactful Humor Key to Laughter, Reason, Logic, Common Sense, & Sense of Humor Faculty Righteous Proper Graceful Blesseth Wisdom: “The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes.” - William Davis Quotes


Human Nature Epigram Twist of a Puzzle: It may be remarked that man is the only animal that can live and multiply in every country from the equator to the poles. The hog appears to approach nearest to our species in that privilege.. .-Edward Gibbon Quoted in Sagittarius and Danile George,The Perpetual Pessimist, 22 May ?


~ If had two or three things to say, I would say them this way. I love you ,I love ya, and I love. ~ Sincere Simplicity Line


Sparks fly with your intoxicating looking eyes, I will never let you fall. I will stand up with you forever and a Avalanche … ~ Line 4 Who…?


Listen to Paula Cole “I Don’t Want to Wait” a Dawson Creek Original Hit Intro Theme Song



Page 388



Virtuous Warrior


Dreary night overtake glorious day

The pale moon reveals the truth

Good of man have succumb to the evil darkness before pray and or Caution at Hand

If the best lies hidden in wait uncouth Good or Better Action Paves the Way

Growing stronger, feeding on fear

Striking out at the weakest of minds

Destroying its foes in swift fury as if severe spears of sphere

Only a warrior of God and virtue finds the powerful moving winds

With sword forged in the fires of light and holiness

And shield mended from purity and righteousness

May come and face the dark terror

And with angelic light sever the curtain of deceit an error

Revealing and purging the soul of wickedness

Casting the demon into fiery hell

Becoming a magnificent savior of truth and love and warmness

Virtues and morals are a way to a hearth successful peaceful life and Love and…Happy Hearts and Bells

Virtue Wins Virtuous Warrior EIV Virtue Wins When All else Fails


Author’s Comments

Words can change brain function memories improve with positive words…

~ Researcher Stated it in Harvard University Medical Article 2006


Character, Content, and Substance in the long run is the decisive finishing factor in the life of an individual and of a nation of people. Be as you wish to seem. ---- Socrates Classical Greek Philosopher (born 470 B.C. -- 399 B.C.)


The proper time to influence the character of a child is about a hundred years before he’s born.

-- William R. Inge (born May 18, 1872—February 2, 1970 )


The best practical advice, I can give to the present generation is to practice the virtue which the Christian’s call love. -- Bertrand Russell (1872–1970)


If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceive himself and his religion is worthless. ~ James 1:26 NIV


Have the courage and the wisdom and the vision to raise a definite

standard that will appeal to the best that is in man, and then strive

mightily toward that goal. - Harold E. Stassen


“You carry on no matter what are the obstacles. You simply refuse to give up – and, when the going gets tough, you get tougher. And, you win."

-- Vince Lombardi #45 Pg.1487 Bio Info 



Tactful Humor Love Point Recipe #9: Humor is a rubber sword – it allows you to make a point without drawing blood” - Mary Hirsch Quotes


Heaven Words of Wisdom: We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home. ~ Australian Aboriginal Proverb


Benefits of Wisdom Epigram Pure Virtue Be kind to Others Do not withhold Good from Good: Honor the Lord with all your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; So that your breast will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine, and -or- with water or milk. ~ Proverbs Ch.3 Verses 9 & 10 EIV Bible


I know I may not be as attractive as some of the others, but I make-up for it in all the rest of the other areas and or in a Attention Deficit way...

~ Beauty is Skin Deep Line Humor


I smile. You smile. We smile. They smile. They are rhythmic lovers like the way the moon light beats and the sun shines and Love Jumps Autumn Falls … ~ Line 4 Who? Jump the Fall Jump then fall into me


Listen to music selection by Gloria Gaynor “I will survive”



Page 389





Nehemiah Jr. Braddy-U of K Players #23(1989-1993)The Unforgettables 1992


Believe life can be what we make it,

If it is those and these who make it possible,

Not too soon to forget

That some may believe life is how rich you are, or how poor you die,

The capacity of your funeral

How many may cry

Shed a tear pray for peace and rest

Losing what was once your own

Fear of death, in itself

Can be the fear of being alone

Worse fear to conceive

Because with Good Faith and Quality Love we’re never alone,


Authors Comments

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

-- Milton Berle (born 1948-1955)


Security in a relationship lies, neither in longing back to what it was in nostalgia nor forward to what it might be, but living in the present relationship and accepting it as it is now. -- Anne Morrow Lindberg (born June 22, 1906—February 22, 2001)


“Doing what you love is the cornerstone of having abundance in your life, you may have to go through the trials and tribulations to get there but with determination, love and persistence you will get there. ~ Persistence Determination Success Achievement Proverb


We know the truth, not only by the reason, but by the heart.

-- Blaise Pascal (born June 19, 1623—August 19, 1662)


If you’ll not settle for anything less than your best, you’ll be amazed at what you can a Accomplish in your lives.” —Vince Lombardi (born 1913---- passed 1970) #45 Pg.1487



Determination be Persistent with Positive Action Affirmation Self-Esteem Declaration Element #7: A failure establishes only this, that our determination to succeed was not strong enough. -- Christian Nestell Bovee *** Knowings for many Epigrammatic Saying*** Bio Info at Pg.1483 #23


Service to Humanity & Civilization Words of Wisdom Recipe #10: Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.— Martin Luther King Jr. #48 Pg. 1488


Love Life Paint your Pathway Mantra Motto Creed Element Icing Point #11 Page 3: The best way to know God is love many things & people. --- Vincent Van Gogh Revised (1853-1890), Dutch Painter Honorable



Crushes are like love with good the Hurricane...?

~ Line 4 who and or Whom Mention my Honor need not Honorable Mentions…I Need Lots of Exercise H2O Sweating Drinking Drink Pure Water Exercise Superfood Nutrition Arianna Huffington 367


I want you and your beautiful soul, but I’m a little bit smarter, my heart’s little bit harder but it’s still soft enough to cry… ~ Line 4 Who…?


Listen to music selection by Method Man & Redman “Da Rockwilder”


Page 390



North America, UK, and UN Acrostic Poem #1196 Court Character

Acrostic Poem Definition is on Page 1538 #2



M-men who will fight against wrong, and in-moral

E-every person stands together no matter how long

R-right or wrong we stand strong for the truth

I-in every way we pray and sing our song

C-country that stands for freedom

A-place I call my kingdom


Union of one World People

Nationality of Races

Intelligence of High and Low

Together United in Peace

Evolution Positive around world


Knightly, Wise, King & Queen, Equality Common People & Professionals Equal Politicians

Intellect is it equal with practice Perfected Positive habits supports maintains Humane Evolution

Negative time’s means of comparisons through eyes all jealous sinful acts need to diminish and Cease into Eternity

Godly factual Most Necessity


Omnipotence Understanding

Manage your time wisely


United States of America-We Stand together…divided…We fall…We must stand together all Nations of the Entire World of Peace

National Prominence that leads by example and positive Attitude with motivation

In any situation of adversity keep a Peaceful Mind Positive Thoughts always render success

Ties that bind family and friends to the end of time

Exemplary substance and content heart, brain, body, and mind spiritual virtue

Derived from the understanding of past history that can redefine education through learning the best ways to success

Necessity holds cradle the truth Critical Reason, Logical, Positive Purpose and goals

All Countries of the entire world on Mother Earth…

Tremendous timing for opportunity through preparation and team work

Imagination combined positive Creative juices Heaven of Earth understanding

Omnipotent knowledge to solve any question or problem

Never ending human humane evolution and the process of learning one world people  


Author’s Comments

The wise person questions himself, the fool others…

~ Henri Arnold (Born:1918-- )


Jonathan Swift: Argument is the worst sort of conversation.



Interesting Tactful Humor Communication Love Point: “If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.” –Mahatma Gandhi Quotes (Indian Philosopher, internationally esteemed for his doctrine of nonviolent protest, 1869-1948) Pg.1485 #29


A Sports Moment in Time Christian Sports Science 5,4,3,2,1…Recipe #5: Love is the greatest beautifier. — Louisa May Alcott Revised


Disney Jedi Zen Master Truism: “When I left you, I was but the learner, now I am the master.” “May the Force be with you.” The Force is strong. “Use the Force, Luke.”~ Star Wars Movie Quotes


Squeeze, so glad to see you again. I miss you. I had no idea what being a gamer meant, but I’m pretty sure. I can resemble just about any definition, you or I could come up with…

~ Gamer of Quality Love Peace Happiness Bliss Fun Joy Friendship Laughter Line 4 Who…?


When you are far away you still are in my dreams of heart and soul of silence, a calm, a seduction, a simmering down cool off phase... Simmer Down Saddle Up Settle Down Remember Who Completes Who and for How Long and Why….?

~ Courtly Character Female Line...?


Name of Group is Belly and song is “Feed the Tree”



Page 391



National Basketball Association kind of like the Olympics

~ David Stern 2013 Commissioner of The NBA


On the best days you can sparkle

With the glint of sun comes the ocean earth surface

In the lattice of reflected light matriarchal

And back away the day while cool warm air reminds resurface


That you still inhabit a body

You can walk through people

A smiling zombie of bliss

Unfettered by chores and to-do-lists


Uncluttered by complications and entanglements exercise

On the best days it is peaceful and fun

In the blink of an eye it can all be over

You can hope to be part of eternity and history where your name is known


Good friends are like stars. you don't always see them, but you know they're always there.

Communication in anything

Depends of the communicator and what is communicated

But never forget there is a type of powerful influential communication that can be relayed

Without making a enemy by making common sense & logical points using reason

Impetus Psychology Peaceful Globalization Positive Sublime Love Quality Stimulation


Author’s Comments

There is a mercy which is weakness, and even treason against the common good.

-- George Eliot [Marion Evans Cross] (born 1819-1880)


Take time to deliberate, but when time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in. --7 President of the United States Andrew Jackson (President 1829---1837)(b1767—d1845)


Blessed be the Lord, the God of our ancestors, who such a thing as this into the heart of the King to glorify the house of the Lord in Jerusalem, and who extended to me steadfast love before the king and his consolers, and before all the King’s might’s officers. I took courage, for the hand of …

~ Ezra 7:27, 8:21-36 King James Bible


We cannot love God unless we love each other.

- Dorothy Day American Journalist, Social Activist & Devout Member of the Catholic Church (born November 8, 1897— passed November 29, 1980)


Do what you can, where you are, with what you have people may doubt you but humans will believe your actions so always perform positive action…

~ Professional Motivational Psalm 



Tactful Humor The Human Entity of God We need One world Religion The Church of Truth, Light, Humor, & Love Recipe #5: “There is hope for the future because God has a sense of humor and we are funny to God.” ~ Bill Cosby quotes


Marriage Love Relationship Words of Wisdom Element #17: The more connections you and your lover make, not just between your bodies, but between your minds, your hearts, and your souls, the more you will strengthen the fabric of your relationship, and the more real moments you will experience together. - Barbara De Angelis American Expert on Relationship & Love, Author


Disney Real Life Fairy tale Impetus Quantum Empire Truism H20 Pure Water: For over a thousand generations, the Jedi knights were the guardians of peace and justice in the old Republic... before the dark times... before the empire. – Obi-Wan Star Wars Movie


We could be a match made in Heaven. Are you the love of my life, the Chicken and Dumplings to a Doe Belly 8 Pack…and or the Celery Stick to a Drink of Water....?

~ We could complete each other Line


When I step on the scene, ya’ll know me. Cause I walk with a limp like a Old School pimp or a Real Og… ~ Playboy huh Who Line Hearts of Hearts Cool Off Line


One Republic ~ Counting Stars



Page 392



The Voice Inside


Diana Keaton #1023 Courtly needs need needs Character Actress & C Gina Gershon #372 ~Courtly Actresses Slot & Authors #1023 & #372


The Voice, it tell me many things Like where I may have lost a or my ring…

And Or most the words to an Old Song Nursery Rhyme Pantomime My Ashley Judd Hip Hop Y

Also, if I am doing right or wrong tell Wy….

The Voice Inside Tells the RN the LN Maybe the NP And even as I or We try to Sleep or Understand…

It Can Make You Heard….Loved or Obscured The Voice Inside… to Take a Peep and or Peek to Take a Tapering Peak of the Voice Inside


Take Flight Take Vision…

Whisper’s that can tug at ones Attention As of Describing some Invention and or Admission

During time when with friends

The Voice Inside Never Ends Feeling Care Compassion…Perfect…Perfection Needs Perfection…Perfect

It may explain just what all You, I or Us or We Need and or Can Do....Quality Improvement and or Daily Improvement in the Direction of Perfection

Many miracles or a chance to do a Good Deed Quality Peek Qualify Peak

It can walk a mind down successful hidden paths It can give insight during baths

Helps when time to philosophize and Or Wipe the Tears From People’s Eyes

Deep Down from Within the or a Voice

To be Authentic and or Unique May or Could Just Depend

Seek the best and Listen to the Voice inside

Think with the Heart Inside Fine Tune Frequency Your Needs and or Necessities

Brain Storm Mobilize Motion Your Defense Carpe Diem The or Your Offense Render Curtsey

Action Your Peak Performance Call on Your Consistency PeekaBoo my Tease Flirt with my Needs don’t leave me or my Necessities

Peer Pressure my Peer more than Peek at your Necessities Neither nor not but Render me and or my my Best Curtsies

Bare Necessities Baloo Man Cub Men Cub Adults Baloo’s Bugle 7 am…..5 pm Parade Rest or Orderly or Revelry Reveille

Need nor neither not needs not to be just mine....

Peer Pressure my Peers Tap on my Peak Quality Performance

Peek n Peak my Leisure Peep Show my Premiers Love on my Peeps Love Quality and or on my Family and Friends

Want to Follow Need to Lead Eternal Internal Warm Heartfelt Love

Always The Voice Inside Beside Fluctuation Success

Flux needs Consistency Consistent Quality TQM and or PMI

The Voice Inside Peak my Performance Peer Pressure Your and or my Leeds and or Leads PeekaBoo Street

Sin is Sin it always takes Care of itself One way or Another…..One Way Perfect

and or Almost Excellent Almost all One way Direction Access Suppose to be Denied Access Denied and or never Granted to or in Any One Way Exist Good or Better Anointed and or Biological Direction Access is Suppose to be Denied


Author’s Comments

There is a certain type of communication and action that can enhance, improve, and heighten the voice inside there is a spiritual connection between people no matter the distance separating them.

~ Motivational Religious Proverbs


The greatest thing in the world is to know, how to belong to oneself with high self esteem and rapport for others.

--Great Influential Writer of the French Renaissance Michel De Motaigne (born February 28, 1533—September 13, 1592)


Your goals are the road maps that guide you and can show you what is the possible path into your future life.

~ Carlos B Toomer Great Creative Writer Inventor of the Ethical Tactful Art of Motivational Communication. ( Born: July 9, 1972)


Law of Clear vision is the power to know exactly what exists between the beginning and ending of a project or goals to achieve success.

~ Diane Keaton (Born: January 9, 1946 ) Bio 1023


- AND-

Tactful Humor Point Recipe #9: “Humor is the great thing, the saving thing. The minute it crops up, all our irritation and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes I place.” “Humor is mankind’s greatest blessing."

Mark Twain Quotes (American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. 1835-1910) Pg.1484 #25


Leading Mind Psychology Clarification PointSo Always be Positive Element #13: Thinking can go into either positive or negative direction. It depends on the type of conversation or conscious-subconscious thought or thoughts. – Impetus Psychology


Civilization Romance Love Clarification Point Recipe Element #17: Love makes civilization flourish and excel. Love is what makes life worth the ride. - Franklin P. Jones Revised


If, I had to choose between you and a supermodel, I would love to choose your back door backyard open door policy... Who’s the who to the who…? That’s all I am saying… wants and needs marry me please who wants to complete me…? Necessity needs nigga please know the future to romance; Weak in the knees, Surprise me please are a girl's best friend and or a man’s Conjunction Junction Adjective Sub junction Subject needs ain’t Worth Shit… ~ What is Your True Nature more than just a Line Nature is Calling


Birds sing, bees pollinate, I can make your life better…

~ ConversationLine 4 Who….?


Safety Suit ~ “Never Stop”



Page 393-394



Star–Spangled Banner


O say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light,

What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro’ the perilous fight,

O’er the ramparts we watch’d, were so gallantly streaming?

And the rockets’ red glare, the bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof thro’ the night that our flag was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave.

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


On the shore dimly seen thro’ the mists of the deep,

Where the foe’s haughty host in dread silence reposes,

What is that which the breeze, o’er the towering steep,

As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?

Now it catches the gleam of the morning’s first beam,

In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:

‘tis the star-spangled banner: O, long ,may it wave.

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


And where is that band who so vauntingly swore.

That the havoc of war and the battle’s confusion,

A home and a country should leave us no more?

Their blood has wash’d out their foul footstep’s pollution.

No refuge could save the hireling and slave.

From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:

And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave.

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


O thus be it ever when free-men shall stand.

Between their lov’d home and the war’s desolation;

Blest with vict’ry and peace, may the heav’n-rescued land

Praise the Pow’r that hath made and reserve’d us a nation!

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,

And this be our Motto: “In God is our Trust!”

And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave,

O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


Author’s Comments

I am not one who, flamboyantly believes in throwing a lot of words around.

~ 41 President of the United States George H.W. Bush (Born: June 12, 1924 -- )


The Bill of Rights for the United States of America Consists of the first 10 amendments. The enumeration in the constitution, certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Bill Rights are the constitutional amendments made to U.S. constitution that deal and legitimate the issue connected to the human rights including issues such as freedom of religion, speech, press, rights to peaceably assemble and petition the government etc. The rights of the people to keep and bear Arms, prohibiting penalty, prohibiting trail more than once for the same offense, compensation for property acquisition, impartial local jury, information about accusation, etc. are the important rights included in this bill.

Bill of Rights Definition


The Writ of Habeas Corpus has historically been an important instrument for safe guarding of individual freedom against arbitrary state action.

~ United States Constitution


The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of setting goals and achieving them. Even the most tedious chore will become endurable as you parade through each day convinced that every task, no matter how menial or boring brings you closer to fulfilling your dreams or abilities.

~ Scientific Formula for Success Quote


There are two kinds of speeches and two kinds of silence. Speech is either truth or a falsification and silence is either fruition or heedlessness. If one speaks the truth, his words are better than his silence, but he who invents falsifications, his silence is better than his speech. - Al Hujwiri ( Born: ? )


Edwin H. Friedman: The colossal misunderstanding of our time is the assumption that insight will work with people who are unmotivated to change. Communication does not depend on syntax, or eloquence, or rhetoric, or articulation but on the emotional context in which the message is being heard. People can only hear you when they are moving toward you, and they are not likely to when your words are pursuing them. Even the choices words lose their power when they are used to overpower. Attitudes are the real figures of speech.


Seek out that particular mental attribute which makes you feel most deeply and vitally alive, along with which comes the inner voice which says, ‘This is the real me,’ and when you have found that attitude, follow it.

-James Truslow Adams


Communication leads to community, that is, to understanding, intimacy and mutual valuing. -- Rollo May


Tactful Humor Quality Love Point: “Good humor is one of the preservatives of our peace and tranquility” -- Thomas Jefferson Quotes (American 3 US President 1801-1809). Author of the Declaration of Independence. (Born: 1762---1826) Pg.1480 #11


Common Sense Words of Wisdom Element Icing Point #10 Page 3: Not all of us have to possess earthshaking talent. Just common sense and love will do. — Myrtle Auvil


Walt Disney True Life Vision Impetus Quantum Disney Truism: The Force can have a strong influence on the weak-minded. “The Force will be with you, always.” ~ Alec Guinness as Ben Obi-Wan KenobiStar Wars Quote


Oh, I’m vicacious, fergielious kinda bubblelious so delicious all the boys want a treat.

~ Ellie Burgess Fearless Line Courtly C #...?





The American National Anthem

Maybe in the in the Next Version of the EIV Bible we could have the national Anthem of ever country in or on ever poem like this…or similair to this…like all those Different Countries in the Peace Section Ch.14 and Ch.2 Communication and Society Section Ch.13



Page 395





Coach Sean Woods ~U of K Player (1988-1992) The Unforgettables 1992


The world is giving

Of life and love

The world is willing

Lifts us above


Does someone know the answer we seek…?

Does it or this have to make the world so bleak…?

Life of love, willing and giving

You need only to join the living


Author’s Comments

Death twitches my ear. “Live” He says, “I am coming.”

-- --Virgil [Publius Vergilius Maro] (70—19B.C.)


Through the process and phases of life from birth to death with evolution of Big Business and inventions adaptation is more important than knowledge, intellect, imagination or creativity. -XY Star General Full Bird Brigadier General Rear Admiral Bradley Aristotle Napoleon Stonewall Barca Rommel Genghis Attila Scipio Patton Africanus Churchill Robert E. Lee Y Didn’t 1865 General Custer Run with Wise Wisdom Winston Churchill once said not only that the 1856 Robert E. Lee was one of the noblest Americans who ever lived. Lee's Motto is known to be “Duty, Honor, Country.” The Potential 11 Star Tactical Wit General was (Born: July 9, 1972 ) #55 Pg.17 XY Civil War XX Civil Females needs need not War…


The basic building blocks of good communication and conversation is the feeling that every human being is unique and of value.

~ Philosopher Elegist Aphorist Epigrammatist Sage Impetus Saint Bernard II The Humorist (Born: July 9, 1972) #64 Pg.17


Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of pleasures, casts nothing, and conveys much.

~ Erastus Wiman (21 April 1834 – 9 February 1904) was a Canadian journalist and businessman who later moved to the United States. Wiman was born in Churchville, Upper Canada, now part of Ontario, on April 21, 1834.


Ernest Hemingway: When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen.


Virginia Satir: Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible – the kind of atmosphere that is found in a nurturing family.


“One of the secrets of a long and fruitful life is to forgive everybody everything every night before going to bed .” -Bernard Baruch (born August 19, 1870---June 20, 1965)


“If you have grown, if you have contributed, if you have loved, if you have been loved – then you have lived.” - -M. Burkill



My Anti-Aging Longevity Living Preventative Maintenance Youthful Aging Health Doc Tip Recipe #4: Foods that boost the immunity system which makes a stronger immunity system is fish; at least two servings a week of fatty seafood, such as sardines, salmon, herring, and mackerel. This is suggested by the leading nutritional Health Experts.


Female Humor Devotional for whom? “A sense of humor... is needed armor. Joy in one’s heart and some laughter on one’s lips is a sign that the person down deep has a pretty good grasp of life.” “Humor is the only test of gravity, and gravity of humor; for a subject which will not bear raillery is suspicious, and a jest which will not bear serious examination is false wit.” ---- Aristotle Quote (Ancient Greek Philosopher, Scientist and Physician, 384 BC-322 BC)


Friendship Relationships Clarification Heart Point Recipe #17: Now not only join your hands but join your hearts, love for each other will never part nor break, even when old and gray when the Cock Crows and the Sun Chases and the Hen Sets and Home Gathers…! -- William Shakespeare Revised


How is your living going…I am Mathochist. I calculate curves & angels into and out of happiness…

~ Mathochist Living Line Friendship Humor


Everyday can seem like the same old day but today is your lottery pick..

~ Line 4 Who…?


Listen to Lee Roy Parnell ~ “When Something is Wrong with Baby”


Fatboy Slim ~ "Funk Soul Brother" --> Right About Now


Corey Hart ~Never Surrender


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