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Page 1547-1548 Final Words and the Twelve Maxims and Some Humor

Page 1547-1548

Final Words and Some Humor

Guaranteed way to improve habits and to end negative habits is to have intimate and or to imitate or perfect this bible through repletion, repetition, and writing, but you must believe it. It is healthy mind altering brain and body stimulating miracle bible of healing into or to the positive mind set and body of a and or the best projected level of reality.

Final Comments the Twelve Maxims

1.) Motivational Maxim

We in our daily lives may waste one’s feelings on themselves in empty words; they ought to be distilled into positive motivational actions with it, it brings successful results in an enthusiastic encouraging manner. Motivation which makes us grateful is to experience greatness or goodness that makes us happy. You must be motivated and motivating to others... Motivation is positive learning and guaranteed way to success, the way excellence goes with goodness.

2.) Optimism Maxim

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing should be done without encouragement, confidence, hope, and motivation. Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. Enthusiasm is spiritual and being optimistic fulfills hope and guarantees away to any type of positive success with inspiration.

3.) Health Maxim

Health comes and improves with exercise and healthy eating. The younger you start the longer you will live. Health and exercise is a habit that needs to be carried on from youth to old age and it will be an easier habit the younger you start. All businesses should make all employees exercise like the United States active duty Military which will produce a happier healthier person mind and body. It is a stress reliever and longevity enhancer: exercise, positive education, and healthy eating.

4.) Healing Maxim

One of the most valuable things we can do to heal one another is lend a kind ear to find tune the direction always ending on a positive note. The source of mind altering healthy healing conversation starts with motivation and motivational positive thinking images and words. A bad stigma or stigmas’ is and are depleting to the mind and body it slows down the process of holistic healing with the rest of civilization. Abraham Lincoln “Did say everybody is equal.” Everybody does have anointed ability. Recovery is achieved through belief. Energy, positive action, love, rest and persistence alters and achieves the goal to happy successful healing of optimal balance. There are no permanent mentally insane people only retarded. Humans are retarded or healthy but both teachable. Faith and belief with positive consistent action is the activity that can overcome any situation to any greater achievement for reality. All Mental Health Hospitals need be closed forever, open up Motivational Hospitals to improve society and civilization

5.) Success Maxim

Patience, persistence, and perspiration makes an unbearable combination for positive success, if you have unlimited positive motivation. Positive Karma wants you to know it. Success of achievement is the fuel that is necessary for growth. Discover or find and release your anointed potential which makes for happiness which is in motivation, inspiration, encouragement, and enthusiasm. It is real and true achievement that makes for happy life in whatever it maybe. It is positive karma. Anybody and everybody wants to be associated with it. Associate yourself with the best, accept nothing less.

6.) Final Preside Precept Percept Care Compassion Communication Maxim Quote

Through compassion and care a world of people or community functions in a civilization. Perfect harmony, level and balance are achieved through the goodness of quality leadership. The thing always happens that you really believe in, and the belief in a thing makes it happen. Every man or woman stamps his or her value on himself or herself. Man and woman are made great or small by his or her own will and beliefs.

7.) Proverb Maxim

To be a pioneer or do anything that is worthwhile and needed in modern time, you must attribute your success to this…Never give-up or take any excuse. To forgive is virtue and it is never too late to change for the better and best.

8.) Psalm Maxim

You shall be fulfilled with joy; love, success, and belonging, if you understand this bible and apply it.

9.) Aphorism Maxim

Ideals are like stars choose them to guide you and you will reach your destiny. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is an art won by training and habituation of virtue. We, you and I are only as strong or as smart as the strongest and smartest one. We humans are a network of systems into civilization; it is in us and our ability to consistently change to positive progression…

10.) Quatrain Maxim

Whenever you have an opportunity to laugh, laugh…

Whenever you have an opportunity to dance, dance…

Whenever you have an opportunity to sing, sing…

And one day through you and others you will find you have created your paradise UTOPIA on Earth

11.) Epigrammatic Recipe Maxim

Deep down you know you can be remarkable.

It will be marketable if you don’t settle for anything less than being remarkable.

Be your best self it leads you closer to reach your fullest potential,

Whether as a leader or a follower in life.

Compassion and giving is the willingness to play in the field of safe loving dreams even when you are awake.

12.) Bible Maxim

Fear not, little flock, for it is your father God pleasure to give you the Kingdom with love, good deeds, and great principles. God wants everybody to be Rich

I am willing to remain and play the man's game if there are not

enough boats for more than the women and children.. Tell my wife I

played the game straight out and to the end. No woman shall be left

aboard this ship because Ben Guggenheim is a coward.

-- Benjamin Guggenheim, Final words of millionaire traveler aboard the ill-fated Titanic. As the boat began to sink Guggenheim changed into formal dress and calmly faced death.

In the final analysis there is no solution to man's progress but the day's honest work, the day's honest decisions, the day's generous utterances and the day's good deed and hard smart work. All humans need to become a specialist in something productive and positive progress will be consistent into the future.

--Clare Booth Luce Revised (Born: March 10, 1903 – October 9, 1987)


Writing is the way to perfected thought precision through reading, listening, watching, positive action and tactful communication.

~ Carlos B. Toomer…Philosopher Saint Bernard (Born: July 9, 1972- Etc…) Pg.15 Intro

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